chapter two

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Art went by fast , faster then i thought it would go no one noticed me and that's how i wanted it to be just me no one around me . I acted like i belonged there like i belonged with a paint brush in my hand and sitting in a old wood desk , I kept my heand bent down but from once in a while i would look around me and follow what they are doing , After a while of painting and drawing and bending my head down the bell rang , everyone walked out the door faster then i could think but i got up bent my head down and walked out the door . I stepped out into a long hallway , it never seemed to end i didn't know if i wanted it to because i know that once this hallway ends that i'll be lost . I stopped by my blue/green colored locker, i took my bag out and took out my book hamlet by shakespear , great i'm the new kid reading shakespear in these empty hallways . I heard footsteps but i didn't look up always afride of who it might be , the footstreps seemed to be getting more closer and closer but i breathed into my book and didn't look up . I saw pink shoes right beside i took my courage and swallowed and there i found looking down at me Maya.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2012 ⏰

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