Chapter 10. Formula Powder in your Hair

Start from the beginning

"Perfectly Fine Harold" 

He put his hands up in defense and smiled "Just asking"

"Riley, how warm does it have to be again?" called Niall from the kitchen 

I handed Draco to Louis and walked into the kitchen 

Niall was boiling the kettle with a spoon in hand and formula powder in his hair

"Ni what did you do?" I laughed 

He gave me a guilty look "I couldn't open it and then the lid flung open and it got everywhere"

I laughed and took the spoon from his hand, dumping the last spoon in the bottle and putting it back in the tin

"Silly boy" I muttered brushing the powder from his hair, my fingers getting caught in his bottle blonde spikes 

His blue eyes sparkled as the powder fell away from his hair and my fingers fell to the side of his face 

"All gone?" he whispered, stepping closer to me 

"Just about" I replied, thumbing a patch of powder of his cheek "There"

He smiled at me

I smiled back

"So h-how hot is this meant to be?" he stuttered nodding to the bottle 

I stepped back and picked up the kettle, pouring the warm water into the bottle and shaking it until it melted together 

"Give me your hand" I said 

Niall stuck out his hand to me

I turned it palm up and pushed the sleeve of his jumper to his elbow before dropping some of the milk onto his wrist 

He winced 

"too hot?" I asked

He nodded and sucked it off his skin 

"Then we give it a few more minutes" I smiled handing him the bottle "I'll go up and put him down, give the bottle a minute and test it again"

"Will do"

I smiled and wandered off to get my boy off Louis

*Niall's POV*

I sighed and lent back against the counter with Draco's bottle in hand 

"Nialler, you okay mate?" asked Liam walking into the kitchen 

"No" I groaned, spurting another drop of milk on my wrist "Still too hot" 

"So what's up?" asked Liam as I sucked the milk from my wrist

"I think I'm falling for Riley, like more than I was before"

"Really, You've only known here 2 days"

"I know but spending today with her, just us, it was different, she was so funny and caring and open, she's never like this with Draco around, she was Riley with me, Not a mum"

"I see" he mused "So what are you going to do?"

I sighed "Ride it out"

"Really? You aren't going to tell her how you feel?"

"Not unless it comes up - which it won't"

"If you’re sure you can bear it, Do whatever you think is best mate"

I nodded

"Niall!" called Harry "Draco's calling for you"

I shook the bottle at Liam "Duty calls"

"We should call you Daddy direction" he smiled "Or maybe just Daddy"

"Don't turn this into something dirty Payne" I winked "The fans won’t be happy with that"

"Actually I'm sure they'd love it"

I smirked as I headed up the stairs "Touché

Hello Guys :) 

So this will be the last update for the next 2 or 3 days, only because I owe some people some chapters from my others books :P (Sorry if this leaves anyone hanging)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did leave me a comment below and if you want to give your opinion on Couple names, you have 3 choices



-Rialler (Nialler & Riley :P) 

By the way during the kitchen scene where they're making up Draco's bottle Draco is meant to be boderline 2 years old, I don't have kids (I'm too young!)  so I don't know the dietary intake for 2 year old and whether they should still be having bottles or how to make bottle, I do know you test the milk on your skin though because I saw that in F.R.I.E.N.D.S :P

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