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Bahja P.O.V.

"BAHJA WAKE UP"!!! My foster sister Valecia said.

"I'm up, damn, stop yelling!"

"Just wanted to make sure before mama come up in here throwing a hissy fit like she 2 years old."

"I know it she always be talkin bout how late ima be for school & all that other shit ain't nobody got time to hear!"

"Right!" Lmao

My foster sister is crazy. Yes I said foster sister. My mom didn't exactly just give me up, she just left I guess. The only thing I know about my birthmother is that when I was 5 she left & went to the store & never came back for me. My dad is a dead beat & never knew me & I never knew him. So now I have a foster mother who is a complete & total bitch. My foster dad TRIES to rape me & my foster sister Valecia every night. Yes. I said TRIES because he CANNOT & he WILL not touch me or my sister. Me & Valecia are like real blood sisters even tho we're not. Oh & yea we've told our foster mom about him trying to rape us every night but all she can say is so & idc like really what kind of foster mom is she. She beats us too. Me & Valecia are really close in age like I'm 17 & she's 17 but like she JUST turned 17 I've been 17 for a whole year now lol. I love Valecia man.

"I gotta get dressed girl bye." I said as Valecia walked out the room.

"Byeeeee" Valecia said.

I went to close & lock my door so nobody would come in. I got some really perverted brothers & a really perverted dad in this house. Me & Valecia are the only girls here (well besides my foster mom) so it's pretty bad. I walked into my pink & zebra print bathroom & took a quick shower. I hoped out & brushed my teeth & washed my face & did my makeup. I walked out my bathroom w/ my pink towel wrapped around my body to find Valecia sitting on my bed crying.

"What's wrong Mella?!" I ask her.

"I was in my room & I was walking towards my bathroom & as I walked in my bathroom I remembered that I forgot to lock my room door so I went back into my room & there dad was just sitting there on my bed staring at me."

"So why are you crying?"

"Because he hit me....he hit me when I told him that he couldn't kiss me or even touch me......& when I told him that he punched me in my arm then I just kneed him in a place where the sun don't shine lol then I just ran in here."

"Awwww it's ok but I'm glad you hit him back for once. He deserved it."

"Yea I know, but hey....."


"Can u drive me to school cuz I really don't feel like walkin today?"

"Yea sure, you need to take a shower tho cuz u stink."

"Shut up lol."

When Valecia got out the shower I handed her some of my clothes because she didn't want to go back to her room.

Me on the other hand I had on a tight white shirt that cut off mid way to my Stomach that showed my pink belly button ring. I also had on the white jeans to go with the shirt. I had some light green Gucci sneakers. My hair was curly with a hat on that had TK on it. To finish it off I just added my nice silver & pink watch.

Valeciahas gotten out the shower & did her makeup thing. Then she got dressed. She had on a UK shirt with red & blue & white stripes on it. She also had on red shorts & golf sandals. Her hair was curly. To top it off she had this gold MK purse.

Yea we looked cute.

Oh I am so sorry. Let me introduce myself. My name is Bahja Shamoni Rodriguez. I'm 5'4 & have long natural dark brown hair. It stops mid way down my back. When it gets wet it gets curly like a really pretty curly. That's how I had it today. I'm really a nice person when ya get to know me but of you talk about my family (which is basically my real mom & Valecia) then you will get knocked out quick, fast, & in a hurry. Im in 12th grade & single. I go to Grady High School & I really wanna become a singer. I LOVE to sing. Singing is my life. That's really it. Byeeee.

Hey guys this is my first fan fiction story comment & tell me what you guys think. 😘💜

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