"Yes!" I shouted excitedly.

Sam and I always used to go to IHOP together, we renamed it PAMP, which stands for Pancakes And More Pancakes. We renamed it because then no one knows what we're talking about.

"I can't believe you remember PAMP." I smiled.

"How could I forget all of our midnight memories at PAMP?" He replied.

We reached PAMP/IHOP and went inside. We sat down at the booth and ordered our drinks.

A few minutes later, the waitress returned with our drinks and set them down.

"What can I get y'all to eat?" She asked as she took out her pen and notepad.

Sam said his order, the waitress wrote it down and looked at me. "And for you?"

"I'll have a--" Sam cut me off.

"2 eggs over easy, bacon, white toast, and hash browns." He smiled.

She wrote the order down,"Coming right up," and walked away.

"Just like old times." I grinned. Sam would always order my food for me because I would be too nervous or too afraid too.

"Are you surprised I remembered your order?" He asked.

"I mean, considering I ordered it every single time, not really." We both laughed.

We just talked about our lives until our food arrived. As we were eating, Sam got a text. He flipped over his phone and read it. He smiled and replied.

"Oooooo, Sammy's smilin" I laughed.

He looked up at me and rolled his eyes.

"Who is it?" I asked, resting my elbows on the table and my cupping my cheeks with my hands.

"It's Katrina." He answered.

I gasped. "Does my little Sammy have a crushy-wushy?" I teased him in a baby voice.

"First of all, I'm not your little Sammy, I'm older than you, second of all, Katrina's my girlfriend." He replied.

I gasped for real this time.

"For how long?"

"A couple months." He answered.

"They grow up so fast." I wiped a fake tear off of my cheek.

We both laughed.

We continued eating and once we were done, we went back into Sam's car.

"Thank you, Sam." I said sincerely.

"You're welcome." He replied.

"Sam, I'm not just talking about to tonight, I'm talking about everything. I'm talking about the first day of high school, when you saw those jerks throwing paper balls at me, and you told them to, and I quote, fuck off. I'm talking about throughout high school when you were always there for me. I'm talking about this, right now, letting me live with you and your friends for free! I honestly can't believe how someone can be so nice, so thank you sam. Thank you for being my best friend." I started tearing up.

motive // colby brockOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz