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The apology 

You don't have to apologizes

She loves you but did you love her too

Was that love pure or was it false hope

Please don't leave her in despair as you are and me

If you do I won't say the things you did wrong

I'll say the thing you lost

High school is just a trip

You come back you go

I wish you weren't so depressed

I want my son to be the best

Your special so don't hide it

But I'm not your real mother/father

So you don't need to obey

But please live a long day


       What really goes on

We all have a friend

Who's silver and shines

It pierces our skin

And draws the red lines

It leaves several scars

Over the years

But it lets out our screams

As well as our fears

It gives us relief

We need the sensation

But we keep it a secret

We hate the attention

Those perfect red lines

They become such a burden

But we do it anyway

Because we're tired of hurting

Some call us psycho

But we know they're all wrong

They all know what to be

We don't know where we belong

We hide the scars

Under jackets and sleeves

Our loved ones don't know

The cuts stay unseen

We try to act fine

So no one'll know

But sometimes we slip

And the cracks begin to show


     Mom where have you gone

I will never again

see your smiling face.

I will never again

feel your warm embrace.

I cry everyday

Wishing you'd come back.

Life just isn't the same

With the Mother I lack.

"I miss you mom,

Where have you gone?"

My days alone,

Just seem to long

I Scream and yell in anger

Wondering why your not here

I scream and yell in Sadness

Wishing you were near..

Somedays I feel

I can't handle the Pain

Somedays I cry knowing

That I'll never see your face again.

I looked up to the sky

and screamed ''Why Lord! Why!"

and as I fell to the ground

all I could do is cry..

Maybe God put you there

for a reason.

Maybe so I can see you

In every Season

Maybe Life Isn't so bad

with you gone.

Maybe you've been

With Me all Along

I miss you mom,

Where have you gone?

My days alone, are still to long..


              The truth

I'm great, fine, spectacular. In a way

I relish every night, and I live every day.

I live, I laugh, I write, I sing,

I wonder what the new days will bring.

Then I get home, and I take off the mask.

The day, and almost impossible task,

Is finally over, and so I lie Down,

and wait patiently for the day that I die.

I cry, I scream, I bawl, and sleep,

even though I have promises to keep.

I wait, and wonder, and cry some more,

And I ache and burn from my very core.

Then, I'm not alone, and the mask reappears:

Out goes the grief, pain and all of the tears,

As I am a happy person, cheerful all the day.

A world full of rainbow, not one shade of grey.

Of course I'm not okay, I'm not fine,

No matter how much I seem to shine.

I don't even know why I feel this...

Why my existence is one long, endless abyss.

But it is, and will be, so I cling to life,

As one day I might slip, and end it with a knife.

But, I'm still here, no matter what my dreams might say

And I hope that one day I will actually be okay.



The loss of a loved one is so hard to face,

you just want to hide,

go somewhere and escape!

But death is something

we all must go through.

I know it's hard

when it's someone you loved and knew.

Just know now,

he is in a better place,

no more hurt or pain shall he face.

It seems unfair, and yes, this is true,

but he is in Heaven now

watching over me and you!

God has called him home to rest!!

And he's being well taken care of

Because God knows best!

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