Pieces Of Broken Memories

Start from the beginning

"You didn't lock your door." I told him, scaring the absolute shit out of him. I don't think I've scared anyone that much before. He looked a little sexy, though. His hair was everywhere. He was wearing a shirt and some sweets, so I don't think he sleeps naked, which is a sigh of relief for me.

"At 3 in the morning, I don't expect people to walk into my apartment," he defend his actions, catching his breath," what the hell, dude? Shouldn't you be like, I don't know, sleeping?"

Shrugging, I closed the door behind me and took off my shoes. I wish I had a place this nice— I have a crap dorm. I don't share it anymore, though. Thank gods.

"Tomorrow is my day off," I tell him as I sit down next to him, "and I couldn't fall asleep."

"So you came to my place?"



"I... Don't know," I came up with the worst excuse ever, "I'm impulsive, okay? It sounded like a good idea so I came here."

Rolling his eyes, I was surprised that Percy just went with it.

"Reasonable enough."

He was a gentleman, apparently. Made me a drink called coffee, which I've never had before. He put a little sugar in it along with some sort of creamer. It tasted good.

"This is coffee?" I questioned, suddenly more awake than I should be.

"Yeah," he confirmed,"it's America's tea. Everyone has it. If you drink enough of it, it'll keep you awake for a long time."

"And how would you know?"

"I once stayed up a week straight," Percy explained to me, "the coffee made sure I didn't pass out. It was... It was something I don't ever want to do again."

We both finish our coffee and end up just sitting there. I wasn't sure what to do. If I should leave and go back home or stay here or start a conversation. But it didn't really matter because my phone went off. A call from a friend I went to camp with being my dad is a god and all..A demigod camp in Germany. We all went. A few friends from there were calling. Gustav and Ingrid.

"Hello," I answered the call, and right away they sounded frantic.

"Hey, Levi!" Ingrid shouted over whatever was around them,"you're in Manchester, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You might want to take cover," she suggested, suddenly sounding more panicked than before, "there's a... A thing. Well, things, running around Manchester. It managed to chase is here with Gustav's weird powers and all. Where do you live?"

"I'm not at home," I cut off that question, "things like what?"

"I don't know," she was very descriptive in her answer, "I mean, there's a snake woman and a bull that I've seen. Gustav has seen other stuff. I don't know. Just don't go outside."


After a few other words, I hang up and Percy asked who it was. I assured that it was just a few friends, everything was alright. But I had a feeling he didn't believe me, because I'm a terrible liar. Whatever I do, I can't lie.

Now because I'm a dumbass who locked myself out of my car, I had to walk home. It wasn't too far considering that I used to walk 3 miles every day, and this was only half of that, but still. It was cold outside.

What does Percy do?

He offers me his guest bedroom.

"No, you don't have to," I assured him, suddenly feeling really bad as I saw him read a text. But he quickly returned his attention back to me, "really, I used to walk 3 miles everyday for school. Or Kilometers, but whatever. It's fine, Percy."

"No," he persisted, "the weather is crap, and it's cold outside. You don't need to get a cold right before finals. Plus, it's 4 AM. This is when sexual predators are out and about and I don't think you want to get raped or molested tonight."

"You don't know my life."

"You're not getting raped tonight."

"And why not?"

"Because you're not walking."

"And why not?"

"Because you're acting like a three year old, Levi," Percy informed me," that's why."

After arguing for another five minutes, he was stubborn enough to get me to stay over for the night. He passed out almost instantly, but I stayed up and looked around. Which is when I found his spare room. Not the guest room, a spare room. There was a bed, and a stand in there. On the stand was something I probably shouldn't have looked at, but I did anyways.

I was just curious, can you blame me? I really like Percy and I wanted to learn more about him. Some things are harder to find than others.

There were some photos that were of him and some friends. He'd smile in a lot of them, at that summer camp. Camp Half-Blood. It seemed like he had at least a few friends at home. From camp. There was a necklace here with some clay beads and a handful of other things. It took me a while to realize something that would be obvious is I was more awake.

Percy Jackson is the son of Poseidon.

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