"Okay sweetheart, your father has, I don't know how, managed to persuade me that, if after eight month you two are still together, then I'll let you two be. I thought it would be impossible with his work and everything, but he's been away for a month already and you still love him, so, I won't say anything anymore. Not like it would have changed a thing anyway" She added sighting. My father grinned widely, kissed my cheek and I went upstairs, in my room, to play the piano, still smiling like a five years old child.

POV Phil

I saw that she wanted to cry when I went away, but I knew she didn't want to in front of me, so I didn't ask anything. I was sad as hell too anyway. I called her after landing, and could hear some cries in her voice. I could feel my heart clench feeling her so sad. The following month, I would call her everyday, making sure she was alright. When I knew something was off and that she wouldn't tell me, I would just ask her friend Dave. But even hearing about her didn't keep me from being depressed. And I didn't want to miss her birthday. It was her first with us knowing each other. Her nineteenth birthday. But then I thought of something. I knew it was cliché, and I knew she would certainly have something other planned, but I had to try anyway. So I called her father, and then her friend Dave. Jack found the idea awesome, and Dave agreed if I helped him meeting Naomi. I laughed but agreed. He didn't know that he was absolutely not her style. And she had a crush on Mark... ( She and Roman had decided to stay friends…) I knew her birthday was the first day of the holidays, and got a great idea. The thing was, would she like it ? I still had one month before that day, and wanted everything to be perfect. I talked about it to my boss, who found the idea really sweet and agreed, and I obtained full support (psychological) from my friends. Even Naomi who had laughed about the thing with Dave, but had agreed. When the day finally arrived, I was anxious as hell. I called her so that she couldn't guess anything.

" Hey Love, happy birthday" I could almost hear her blush through the Phone and we talked for about ten minutes before noticing that I had to go if I didn't want to arrive too late. I promised her that we would talk later, and hung up. After that, I rushed to the car, and went to the pick the others up. We finally agreed on taking different cars since mine was far too small (even if it was an Audi Q7)  and they followed me on the highway. At first, I had thought about taking a limo, but it would have been far too cliché, and I was pretty sure that she wouldn't have really enjoyed it. we drove for a bit more than an hour before getting to her house. Like the first time, when we all went to her grandmother's home, I was the first at the door. I was aware that Lydie was supposed to be outside, and knocked on the door. Lydie's grandmother, who was there for the week, opened the door and hugged me. She smiled at all of my friends and made us come in. We all started preparing everything, knowing we only had one and half hour before Lydie and Dave would get back from the cinema. We were all chatting happily, but not too loud when my phone rang signaling a new text. I looked at it and made everyone clean everything.

" Hurry up ! they're here in five minutes ! " In three minutes, everything was perfect and Naomi, John, Randy and April forced me to hide behind the door. I felt my heart jump when the door opened. What if she had already moved on ? 

POV Lydie

We came back from the cinema with Dave. The movie was really awful, but I didn't say anything, since he wanted me to be happy, I acted like this. Phil had already called me, but it was just ten minutes. Even shorter as usually. "I guess he had things to do" I thought. But that still upset me. He had probably already almost forgotten about me, and had found someone else. But well, I'll just have to get him back right ? Or can I do that ? Won't it be like I'm so crazy stalker ? I shook my head, annoyed at the thoughts in my head and managed to unlock my house's door, Dave still following me. He looked really excited. I frowned, thinking that he was more happy for my birthday that I was myself. He pushed me inside since I was not fast enough and I had to rub my eyes. In front of me were standing my family and my friend from the WWE. I hugged all of them and looked around the house, managing not to look too sad when I couldn't find Phillip. I said I was going to the bathroom and hurried upstairs. I was almost there when I felt a hand on my arm. I turned around. I knew this touch. Seeing him, all of my worries went away, and I jumped to hug him. He leaned and kissed me, and I put my arms around his neck.

I don't really like youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن