"Sweetheart y u r crying now????"

"Sanskar i want to see stars now...."

"Swara but this is day time.... Stars come at night time only...."

"I don't care!!! And i don't know how u make me see stars but i want to see stars...."

"Swara but now how can we see stars????"

"I understood sanskar!!! Now u don't love me thats y u were saying like this.... If i would have been in my ma's house now baba would have did everything.... I am going to my ma's house...." saying this swara stood up and went to pack her bags..... Sanskar is shocked.... He went to swara and stopped her from packing and said,"Okie swara just give me half an hour..... I will make u see the stars okie...."

"Okie!!! I will just wait for 30 minutes.... If u didn't come then in 31st minute i will go to my ma's house...." swara said and switched on the tv.... Sanskar is standing and seeing her with shock.....

"Sanskar 5 minutes already over!!!" swara said without seeing him.... Sanskar went from there and thought what to do.... Then suddenly he got an idea and went from there.....

After 20 minutes he came to their room.... Swara is all ready to go to her home.... Sanskar is shocked and went to her and said,"Swara see ur wish will be fulfilled.... So dont go.... Pls swara!!!"

"Really???? Then show me the stars now!!!!" swara said with sparkling eyes..... Sanskar made her sit in the bed and cleaned the room and closed the door and windows with curtain..... The room became dark..... Then he set some equipments its nothing but a projector..... Then he made swara lay down the bed and switched on the projector.... The light falls on the ceiling.... Then he came and lay down near swara..... After few seconds stars are projected in the ceiling..... Swara is happy..... She clapped her hands and pecked sanskar's lips.... Sanskar is also happy.... Then swara became a child and started to count the stars.....

"Sanskar help me in counting the stars!!!!" swara said and sanskar started to count but when his eyes fell on swara he loose his sense and started to kiss her.... Both loved each other..... After that sanskar made swara eat and went to his office.... After his office work is finished he returned back to his home.... Laksh and adarsh was laughing was seeing him....

"What bhai u were so sad that swara didn't crave for anything!!! But see today what she did??..." hearing it sanskar smiled sheepishly and said,"Laksh i thought she will crave for ice-creams,pani poori or some other food items.... But who thought she will crave for watching stars??? Huh in half an hour she made me mad!!!" laksh and adarsh laughed....

"Sanskar i became mad for u now na??? At first i am sweetheart now i became mad!!!! Huh u idiot go i am going to my ma's house.... I won't ever come back...." swara said.... Laksh and adarsh laughed.... Sanskar glared angrily at them and went back at swara..... But shocked seeing swara watching tv.... Sanskar smiled and went to her and kept his hand in her hand..... Swara shoved her hand and watched tv....

"Sweetheart i am sorry!!!"

"Sanskar see after this episode gets finished i will go to ma's house!!! U know i want to know whether shruthi will prove her innocence to her husband.... Today is friday then they will telecast on monday only.... If i leave this episode then i cant understand.... So don't disturb me...." swara said and started to watch tv again.... Sanskar is shocked with her answer..... But smiled and went to fresh up.... After the serial gets finished swara forgot that she has to go to her home.... She just talked with sanskar casually....

4 months passed.... Now swara is in her 9th month.... All these months swara craved for different different things.... She craved for rain during summer season.... Sanskar arranged for a fake rain.... Like these many things she craved.... Sanskar now felt sad that y he wanted swara to crave things but he also enjoyed with her.... Suddenly one day when sanskar is working swara got pain and sanskar took her to the hospital.... As sanskar asked permission to doctor before itself he went inside the operation theater with swara.... After struggling for some hours swara gave birth to triplets.... Two baby boys and one baby girl.... Sanskar is happy..... All are happy listening the baby sound.... Nurse and sanskar came and show the babies to others.... All were happy.... Afted few minutes swara is transferred to normal ward and she also gained her conscious.... She opened her eyes and saw sanskar,shomi and sujatha holding the babies in their hands.... Swara try to get up so dida went and helped her.... Then all came near swara and showed the baby.... She kissed the baby and kissed sanskar's cheek and whispered thank you to him and lay down on his shoulder.... All were happy seeing them....

# # # # # # #  The End # # # # # #

Hope u guys like this epilogue.... If its not upto the mark sorry from my side guys..... And many felt i rushed the episode... But guys the truth is actually i thought to finish my ff in 50th episode only by showing more tashan between swasan and after that i thought to reveal they are acting..... But seeing ur comments i thought to reveal the truth asap.... So the end was like rushed.... Hope u guys understood.... And my exam is canceled guys.... So i will upload my other ff either today or tomorrow.... Pour ur valuable comments for this epilogue guys....😊


My True Life Partner(Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz