Harry and Draco Potter-Malfoy

Start from the beginning

Harry sat up reluctantly, curiously looking at the box Draco had taken out of his pocket. Green and wrapped in a purple ribbon. He handed to box to Harry who handled it gently, pulling this ribbon off and opening the box halfway and spying something shiny. He opened it all the way, tearing off the lid and gasping.

Inside was a small, metal bracelet with a painted white owl with yellow eyes with two dangling chains connected to the bracelet. The left one said LOVE and the right said YOU.

Harry dropped the box into his lap and leaned over to kiss Draco's cheek, engulfing him into a hug.

"That's so sweet, thank you Draco," Harry said to him, pulling away with a visible blush on his cheeks.

"Well..." Draco cleared his throat and showed Harry his wrist.

A bracelet was wrapped around Draco's wrist was deep green in the shape of a snake, making it look like the snake curled around his wrist. The snake had silver eyes and a long red tongue. But the clever thing about it was the tongue had two loops in the slits of the tongue, making it look like they curled together somewhat but in those two loops were the two small chains like Harry's but the left one said KISS and the right one said ME.

Harry grinned at Draco as both boys were blushing. Harry reached his hand over to Draco's left ear and stroked it, making Draco secretly shiver. Harry grabbed onto the back of Draco's neck and leaned in, pushing his lips against Draco's. Draco quickly responding as he moved his hands to Harry's waist and pulled him closer to him.

They kissed each other passionately before Draco grabbed onto Harry's butt. Harry squeaked as a blush made it's way onto his face once again. But they continued kissing each other.

After a heavy make out session they let go of each other, giggling. Harry still wore a visible blush on his face and Draco leaned in again to lick his nose.

"I love how I can make you blush," Draco said teasingly as he tickled Harry's side who tried to push his hands away, the blush not going
away. "It's so cute."

Draco tried to tickle under Harry's armpits, knowing very well that that was his most ticklish spot, but Harry would have none of it, jumping off the bed and running out the bedroom door. Draco raced after him but Harry ran through the hallways, part the rooms and down the stairs of the unknown building.

Harry ran into what seemed to be the kitchen, with one table that had unlit candles and set up plates with silverware and napkins beside them. Harry looked at it before looking towards Draco who had just stepped into the room.

"Harry Potter, you know how fast you are compared to me. You could've slowed do-"

Harry watched as Draco saw where they were and turned to look back at Harry, smiling.

"It's for tonight," Draco said as he walked to stand next to Harry, holding out his hand as an invitation that Harry took, grasping Draco's hand gently.

"So, was this supposed to be a date?" Harry said, smirking. "Kidnapping me and giving me gifts and a fancy dinner?"

Draco nipped Harry's neck quickly before turning away to look at Harry's, yet again, blushing face.

"With more."

Harry grinned at him, leaning his head on Draco's shoulder as he looked at the table longingly.

"So not now?" Harry asked and Draco shook his head. "But I'm hungry," Harry whined and Draco chuckled.

"Let's have some common and oh so delicious muggle food. Remember when we had our fourth date and we ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with orange juice and Nutella on a spoon?" Draco said to Harry who immediately started to laugh at the memories long ago that were still so fresh in his mind.

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