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Amon's POV

I tapped the little ghoul girl on her shoulder and she blinked her eyes to wake up a little.

I must say it was quite cute but I can't get too attached. I shook my head at the thought and looked back down at her.

"U-uhm Amon-San why did you wake me up?" Mitsuki said groggily. I smiled and pointed to the tall building outside.

"We're here Mitsuki. You need to get up!" I chuckled at her.

She moved and crawled over top of me to see out the window. She gasped in awe and when she crawled back to her original spot her hand pressed down on my.... Area...

I gasped in surprise and moved away from her. She blushed and curled up on the other side of the car.

"I-im so sorry Amon-San! I didn't mean to I swear it was an accident!!!" she cried. I blushed and looked down.

I sighed and put my hand on her shoulder. "Its ok you didn't mean to right? It was an accident? Don't worry I forgive you!" I smiled at her still blushing.

She looked down in shame and looked out the window.

I sighed and pulled the door open. I walked to her side and opened the door for her. She hesitantly climbed out and held my hand as she looked at Mr. Mado in fear and sadness.

I walked with her into the building and she got weird looks from the rest of the building.

She began to cry as she pressed her face into my side and tried to hide herself. I pulled her wrist gently and pulled her to the back of me.

I walked to Arima-San's office and knocked. I heard a quiet 'come in' from the other side of the door and I opened the door to walk in.

Arima looked at me then to the ghoul girl behind me. He narrowed his eyes as she looked up at him fearfully.

"Why did you bring a ghoul here? I want the truth." He asked roughly. I stood up straighter and looked him in the eye.

"Sir. I believed we can use her as a weapon against other ghouls, however it seems that she can't stand violence. When we tracked her to her home I executed her mother and when she came out, she didn't even attempt to attack me. She seems harmless." I explained.

Mitsuki looked up at me sadly and shook as she began to cry again.

I took a deep breath and looked back to Arima.

"Sir.... I.. I can take care of the girl and train her to become obedient to the CCG! I can teach her to not hurt humans and kill ghouls! I can-" I was cut off by Arimas voice.

"Amon.. Fine you can keep it.. But of it gets out of hand do not think even for a second that I won't hesitate to kill it.." he grumbled. Then he looked at Mitsuki and sighed.

He walked to her and crouched to her level.

"What is your name? I am your boss ok? Call me Arima-Sama got it?" he told her.

She looked up at him and shook but I placed my hand on her head and nodded telling her it's ok.

She nodded back and looked nervously to Arima.

"H-hello Arima-S-Sama.. M-my name is M-Mitsuki Arai s-sir!" she said trying to look tougher.

Arima looked at her for a few moments then he smirked and ruffled her hair.

Mitsuki pouted and tried to get her black and blue hair to stay down. She looked up at me with her big sea blue eyes and pouted.

Then I heard her stomach growl. Arima and I took a few steps away from the little girl and watched her.

She swallowed nervously and looked at me and the white haired man. She then huffed and sat on the floor while her stomach still continued to growl lowly.

"Amon... Get her some meat from my fridge...." Arima sighed pointing to the mini fridge in the corner of the room.

I raised an eyebrow at him but complied. I opened it to find a large stack of human flesh contained inside of containers.

"Uhm... Arima?? Why do you-" I began asking him but he cut me off with a 'tell anyone you die' glare.

I raised my hands in defense and smiled nervously. I grabbed a container and handed it to Arima.

He snatched it and hit me with it then handed it to Mitsuki-Chan. She looked up at him and opened the container.

She drooled slightly but shut her mouth and shoved it away.

She must think it's some sort if test

I looked at her and she looked at Arima. He smiled slightly and nodded to her. She hesitantly took the box of flesh and pulled a piece out. She stated at Arima while he stated at her.

They had a mini staring contest before she narrowed her eyes and shoved the piece of meat in her mouth. I shuddered but smiled.

She swallowed it and sighed contentedly. She looked at Arima in thanks and ate the rest of the meat in the container.

The Accepted Ghoulजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें