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Seven nights, seven damn nights I've had this same dream. I dreamt that I was walking into the woods about a half a mile walk from my house, looking for something I think. It honestly felt like I was really there, I felt the numbing breeze wrap around me like an icy blanket, the autumn leaves crushing beneath my feet. I heard noises, howling, owls and deep breathing and when I turn I expect to see something scary but I never do. I see the same beautiful blue eyed man walking, I feel the urge to follow him but we never speak, we barely just make eye contact and even still I follow him. His dirty ashy blonde hair flows perfectly with the gentle but glacial wind. He takes off his filthy white shirt and throws it and I catch a scent like no other, he smells delicious. He stops, suddenly and bends down and kneels, he bury's his hands deep in the soil and lets out the most painful scream. He removes his hands from the dirt and makes fists and smashes them into the ground and I swear I feel it tremble. A golden glow breaks through the skin of his back and he shrieks in pain but I'm still not scared. I move closer to him, I don't know why but I feel the need to comfort him, I'm sure I know him but I can't seem to remember how. I can hear him crying and I hate it, It hurts me, I need to let him know I am here. As I get closer I reach my hand out to place on his back, I'm sure that's what is causing him pain but I can never bring myself to do it. His screams get louder and the skin tears, even more, I can see something, something as white as paper peeking through his soft ivory skin. With one sudden roar and the brightest golden light, I see wings, wings of an angel. His screams are no more, his breathing slows as he carefully stands up on both feet. I call the name Brice, I can't help it, it just rolls off of my tongue like I've said the name a thousand times. He turns slowly, wings following the same motion as his body and they start to wrap around his arms ever-so-slightly. We make eye contact and I purse my lips tightly shut, I don't know what else to say. He holds out his hand as if he's going to grab mine but drops it. 

"Dakota." he softly says dropping to his knees, legs shaking but before I can reply I wake.

I always wake the same way, shaking, sweating and heart racing. It's painful when I wake and I am constantly hoping that this is the last time I dream this crazy dream, I'm forever waking up confused scanning my room but he's never there. I suddenly become distracted by the sound of my mom downstairs in the kitchen, cooking breakfast as she did every morning, couldn't beat her crispy bacon. I sit myself up and dangle my legs off the edge of the bed, the cool morning air wrap around my legs. Slowly putting the tips of my toes on the chilly wooden floor, I stand up and slowly walk to the arched window in my room, I could see my Dad packing the car with boxes, pretty sure it's for the trip to my grandmothers but who know's what this crazy man is doing. I can't bare the thought of leaving my room but I know I got to, or she'll just come in and drag me out, my mom that is. She has a thing about having her own way, she says jump and we all shout how high, you know?

 I walk over to my bedroom door before resting my forehead on the frame and let out a heavy sigh. In the hall, I could hear my brother on the phone, which he always seems to be the case these days, I mean 27 and still lives at home... you'd think he'd have a job and his own place, right? I guess my parents love a freeloader. I got to suck it up, I love him way too much to hurt his feelings, although he could be helping my Mom or Dad instead of sitting on his ass. I walk into the kitchen with a fake smile on my face, feet dragging on the floor and shoulders and arms slumped down the side of my body, my Mom standing at the table setting four places because who else was going to do it? Her gorgeous hair shining bright like an auburn flame as it fell effortlessly over her shoulders. She glanced up and smiled from ear to ear. 

"Good morning Dakota". She said quietly, she knew me too well I hate loud noises in the morning.

  "Morning Mom, er what's Dad doing?". I said with a confused tone, I could still hear him filling up the car with boxes.

  "He's taking some old books to your grandmother's, did you forget we were going there today?" Her tone stiffened. 

"Of course not"  I replied hesitantly whilst sitting down at the table, of course, I hadn't forgotten I just wasn't looking forward to it. I love my Nana, she's a wild ball of fire but my heads just everywhere with these dreams and exams I could do without it. Maybe a day with my Nana will help me though. I grabbed a couple pieces of bacon and some juice and made my way to my room, I couldn't handle small talk this morning. Walking past Ben's room his phone call seemed more intense, maybe my brother was having some kind of trouble but I guess that was none of my business. I nudged my bedroom door open with my hip whilst stuffing the bacon into my mouth, closing my eyes just for a second to appreciate the smokey flavor. Shower, that's what I needed, maybe that would wake me a little.

I gulped down the juice like I hadn't had a drink in days, catching any that trickled from the corner of my mouth. I placed the cup onto the bedside cabinet, walked over to my wardrobe and pulled out an old jersey and some ripped jeans. Today wasn't a day for looking fabulous, I really couldn't be bothered. Grabbing a towel and my clothes I made my way to the bathroom.

I stepped into the shower, turning the metallic dial, releasing a million warm droplets. I stood under the shower head letting them fall onto my face, the warmth taking my breath away but it felt amazing, this is the feeling I had craved. I needed to feel awake, I let my mouth relax from the tight hold it was in, and the water fell softly over my lips, and I took in a deep breath before exhaling. I leaned against the cold ceramic tiles, I didn't even flinch at how cold they were, instead, I embraced the coldness. The bathroom was full of steam and I could barely see my surroundings, I could stay here forever, water made me calm and had done since I was a little girl. I didn't want this shower to end but I knew it had to, I took another deep breath before turning the dial to cut the water. I pushed the steam covered glass door open, grabbing my towel off the top of the toilet seat and wrapping it around my wet body.

I could hear raised voices downstairs, I'm sure my brother and mom were yelling but I couldn't be sure, quickly rubbing the towel over my skin I searched for my clothes. The voice got louder.

  " YOU NEED TO TELL HER!" My brother's voice boomed across the house, he sounded angry, I'd never heard my brother like that.

  " You need to stay out of this Ben, she's not— she cannot know yet!" My mother's tone was lower but not enough that I couldn't hear what she was saying, what the hell was they talking about? What didn't I need to know? Trying to pull the jeans up my legs as they stuck to my skin from the wetness I had rushed to dry and had quite obviously missed. I felt a deep burn in my chest, my brother was shouting at my mother which wasn't acceptable and they were clearly keeping something from me. Where the heck was my Dad and why wasn't he stepping in? I pulled my jersey over my head and yanked it down my body before rushing for the bathroom door. I pulled open the door and a chilly breeze hit me hard, I quickly shrugged it off and made my way down the wooden stairs.

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