Words unspoken during a Double Event

Start from the beginning

    “Please come back.” Raleigh’s heartbreak tore me apart and I knew why he was being so protective. He didn’t want to lose me like he’d lost his brother. Well, I wasn’t going to let myself get brought down that easily.

    “Mr. Becket.” I rubbed my palms slowly up his arms, giving him a warm smile.

    “Where‘s my good luck kiss.” I asked suggestively, feeling my smile grow as he didn’t waste any time connecting our lips.

    My hands wound their way around his neck as his lips moved against mine. He pulled me flush against him as I felt one of his arms go across my back and another around my shoulders as he dipped me backwards, one of my legs kicking up in the air. I laughed into the kiss and I felt Raleigh’s smile as he straightened us both.

    “Now go.” Raleigh said, playing with one of the curls that had fallen from my ponytail.

    “Fine.” I sighed, getting one last kiss before walking into my Jaeger’s Conn-Pod. I gave a still worried looking Raleigh a thumbs up and a goofy smile before the doors sealed shut and I was put into my suit once again.

    I took even, calming breaths to try and relax my hummingbird beating heart. As soon as I was fully connected to my Jaeger, I felt a sigh rush through me and everything about me relaxed. I felt peace, love and safety being where I was.

    “I‘m much ready to fight along side you, Lila.” I was pulled from my peaceful state by the Russian’s deep voice over my headset. 

    “Me too, Aleksis.” I chimed, opening the channel while pressing the button.

    “Just watch us, we‘ll show you how it‘s done.” I chuckled, shaking my head as the last of the tech’s started pouring from the Pod and everything started getting into place.

    “Lila, can you hear me?” I smiled at the new voice over the headset, feeling my heart throb happily.

    “Loud and clear, Rals.” I stated.

    “How you doing?” He asked.

    “Quit asking me that before I tell you an answer your not gonna wanna hear.” I stated, wanting to squash his concern before it consumed anymore of him.

    “Fine.” Raleigh said gruffly, but I could hear the smile in his voice.

    “Orders are straightforward, Lila. Cherno Alpha and Crimson Typhoon will hold the Mile. Your to stay back and provide support if needed.” Raleigh relayed the directions most likely given by the Marshall.

    “And Lila?”

    “On the battlefield, you can‘t always follow the rules. Do what you think is best.” Raleigh added.

    “Right.” I blew out, shaking out my shoulders. Glory was even starting to feel antsy, I could feel the slightest twitches going through her as we waited.

    “Hey beautiful.” I perked at the pet name and smiled.

    “Your gonna be just fine.” He comforted, his voice sweetening my soul like caramel.

    “Engaging neural handshake.” Tendo said over the headset but quickly hopped off the channel, giving Raleigh and I privacy.

    “What‘s it like to Drift with a Jaeger alone?” He asked as I felt the Drift start to form in the corner of my mind.

    “It‘s all her memories, and mine, melding into one. If this robot could talk,  it‘d have quite a bit to say.” I said, feeling like I was being pulled through quicksand.

Taking Back The World! (A Pacific Rim and Raleigh Becket Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now