// h u m a n // [o n e]

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Hey, shush Chantal honey it's going to be okay. I promise sweetie." Her mom says kissing her forehead.

"Now, c'mon time for bed, it's late." Chantal follows close behind sighing, she knew it was going to be one of those lonely nights. She walks into her old room looking around. It was exactly the same, the bed sheets were different obviously but the walls, her closet, her wardrobe, everything was the same. Chantal sighed falling onto my bed.

She woke up in a bed of her own tears. But not in the morning. It was the middle of the night and she had just woken from a nightmare. She sighed getting out of bed. She ran a hand through her hair and got up, changed into some sweatpants and a t-shirt she had left here. She grabbed her shoes and her car keys. She grabs her phone on the way out. She quickly sneaks out of the house and gets into her car.

She starts the car and pulls away from the house. She drives off to the one place she gets relief, Valentino Park. It was the park where she had met Liam. She had known he was the one but didn't know all this would come along with him. She was proud of him, she really was. She had seen him grow up and get famous right in front of her own eyes and she was proud. Really proud. She had encouraged him to make his dream come true.

It did. She and Liam had their anniversary there, year after year. It was a tradition. This park was where she had secretly hoped Liam would propose but she would never get that. Her fairytale wish won't ever come true. The problem with fairytales is that they set a girl up with disappointment. In real life, the prince goes off with the wrong princess. In real life, the right princess gets all the pain. That she doesn't deserve.

Chantal parks the car and gets out. She slowly makes her way down the small gravel road in the park. Her phone lit up and she looked at it. Her lock screen mocked her, it was a picture of her and Liam that was her favorite. It was the one from their first date where they had ate spaghetti at the restaurant. It was like from one of those cheesy romantic movies where they had accidentally taken the same string into their mouths and ended up kissing. It was really cute actually.

She came out of her thoughts as her phone started vibrating in her hand. The name that had caused her so much pain was flashing on the screen. I had the strong urge to ignore it but I sat down on the nearest bench and let it go to voicemail.

"Chantal, sweetie, I'm sorry, please come home. Please just tell me where you are. Just tell me that you're okay. Please at least tell me that you're safe and that you're okay. Nothing happened to you. Please." His voice cracked and she could hear his violent sobs. Even though that broke her heart even more she ignored it. He had done what he promised never to do. Why should she forgive him? It wasn't her fault she wasn't perfect. She never was.

She never had liked anything about herself. From her short shoulder length blonde locks to her pale innocent blue eyes, to her natural red cherry lips to her hourglass figure to how small she was. She was 19 turning 20 and is normally supposed to be around 5'7 or 5'9 but she ended up being 5'4. She came from a tall family so she didn't really understand. She lifted up the sleeve of her long sleeve tee to reveal the light fading away scars. She had stopped when Liam had told her how beautiful she was. He told her every day of her beauty.

But there was those times where they had their harsh fights. Both being mature still had violent fights. One fight was where he had her, his ex grinding up against him with her hand down his pants but he still didn't nothing to fight it. He had told her that she was being stupid that she was just jealous. But jealous of what? His ex had always hated her. She never thought his ex was more beautiful. She felt everyone was the same.

The last words in that fight still haunted her.


'WELL IT'S NOT MY FAULT!' She screamed back.


From that day on the word 'ugly' floated around in her head. Every time she thought of that time she looked off into the distance biting her lip and getting this 'look' in her eye. It was the look where she was fading away and she just needed to be left alone. He hadn't come back that night and she was starting to doubt he ever would come back. But he did. He came back. He had came back to see broken glass everywhere. Vodka bottles, beer bottles everywhere. As he had suspected he went up to see her sitting against the wall next to the toilet with a bottle of vodka in her hand. She had been drinking.

When she was done, when she was stressed, when she couldn't take things anymore, she drank. Drank a lot unless somebody stopped her. He tried so hard but she didn't stop. Things soon started getting better. She stopped drinking and stopped being numb. She became her old playful self again. She became social again. But once she logged into the social network Twitter, all she had were hateful things sent to her. Not even one positive thing.

What had she even done wrong? Is it her fault for falling in love? She couldn't help it. The sound of owls snapped her back to reality. She forgot where she was and panicked looking around then realizing she was still in the park. She sighed and decided to go back home. She drives away from the park not noticing the dark silhouette that had happened to walk in the park and watch her. 

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