"Hello?" He answered sleepily.

"I have a research assignment for you. On the new girl."

"l will be over in ten," Parker told me, then hung up.

I paced my small room, wanting to rip it to shreds.  My temper was rising with every step, threatening to spill over.  I could just shift right here.  Where was the problem with that?

Oh, you know, the part where everything you own, that your parents bought you -may I remind you- , would be destroyed.  You would be a mess, and Parker's coming over in a few to help you with your mate problem.  Of course, the smart side of my ever-small brain just had to speak up and be all sensible, just when I had a satisfyingly idiotic idea.

Ugh.  I dropped to my floor, wincing as my back hit something hard.  There was a tiny movement from the object and then a squeak from underneath my bed.  I rolled to the side to see a shoe poking out from under my bed.

A shoe attached to a leg.

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed the persons ankle, pulling them out.  Just as I expected I came face to face with my eleven year old sister, Maybelle.  She always snuck into my room, just to annoy the Hell out of me.

"Maybelle Breigh Myers!  What are you doing in here?" I screamed standing over her.

"I... uh... looking for Mr. Fuzz!" She made the lie up on the spot, a skill which I taught her.  She just needed a little more perfecting...

"Your chinchilla is not in my room.  My door is closed and that thing is too fat to fit underneath the door," I stated the obvious.  Mr. Fuzz did nothing but eat and sleep anymore.  He was just getting too old.

My sister scrambled up from the floor, brushing her shirt off.  "He isn't fat, he's... fluffy," She said with her hands on her hips.  I raised my eyebrow at her, not eating that line of bull crap. "Fine.  I heard you going into dad's room, and figured something was wrong.  You know, since he never talks anymore unless it's a pack meeting or if you had a problem.  Anyways, I was gonna see if there was any way I could help, but I heard you stomping up the stairs, so I got scared and hid."

"Bella, why would you ever be afraid of me?"

"Well, sometimes you shift when your mad.  And I can't yet.  So, you could accidentally hurt me-" She was cut off by my bear hug.

"Bell, you're my sister.  I would never.  And you should know that."

She nodded silently, distracted by something else in the room.  I followed her gaze to the framed portrait of our mother that resided on my dresser.  It was the most important thing to me now, right up there with Maybelle, my father, Parker, and now IQ.

I sighed.  IQ was breaking everything in me. Before yesterday, I thought I had everything in control. On the outside, I still acted the same, but inside, I was in turmoil. She was growing on me, and fast.

"What's on your mind, big bro?" Maybelle asked, concern written on her face.

I let her go and dragged my feet over to the bed, sitting with my back against the headboard and my legs extended.  Maybelle hopped onto my lap with all of her sixty or so pounds, leaning back against me and looking at me with her big, brown eyes.  I had inherited more of my moms traits, while she'd gotten more of dad.

Her face was rounder, her eyes wide and chocolate brown.  Her hair was a shade darker than her eyes, and always hung in loose waves that fell to her shoulder.  She had fair skin and an adorable, straight-toothed smile.  I, on the other hand, had a longer, more narrow face, and gray-blue eyes.  My hair was darker, the one thing I'd gotten from my father.  My mother had a lot lighter hair- like IQ's.

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