Chapter 11 - She Is Dead.

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I waited for the pain. I waited for death. But it never did. But... if I never died... what was the splat?

I slowly opened my eyes, to see my hands, that I used to cover my face, covered in blood. Not my blood though... then who's? I moved my hands, to see Alex no longer standing in front of me. He was crumpled on the floor, gun in hand. I looked up again and I saw Hoodie, holding a smoking gun.

Hoodie shot Alex...

Hoodie quickly came over to me and helped me to my feet. We were about to run when we hear a blood curdling scream from Angel. We quickly turn to her to see a stab wound in Angel's arm. Behind her was Helen, holding a bloody knife.

Helen stabbed Angel...

Angel screamed, holding her arm, blood slowly seeping between the gaps in her fingers.

"Hello. Long time so see huh?" She smiled but winced at the pain.

"Angel... Why are you doing this?" Helen asked her, still holding the bloodied knife out in front of him.

"Doing what my sweet?" Angel spoke, trying to me sweet but still wincing. Blood was still weeping from the wound between her blood soaked fingers.

"Don't call me that. It sickens me." Helen spat at her.

"My love? Sugar? Honey? Take your pick Helen." She smiled at him.

"How about your killer? How about the man who is going to end your life?" Helen held the knife out further.

"I doubt that very much Helen." She winced again.

"My god just kill her her already Helen!" I shouted, getting really impatient and scared.

"Shut up Cinder-fucking-rella!" Angel screamed at me.

Helen charged at her. Angel managed to dodge the knife and then kicked his legs. Helen yelled in pain, but continued. Helen then jumped onto the floor and rolled to one side and then jumped up again, making Angel disoriented and slightly dizzy, making her stumble. Helen ran at her again, and she moved but only in time, meaning that Helen cut Angel's side very deeply. Angel screamed in pain and let go of her arm to grab her side, blood now oozing from her arm and her waist. Helen then kicked her leg and made her fall. Angel coughed up blood and Helen then kicked her stomach, making her cough up more blood and a small burst of blood coming from her waist, squirting between the gaps in her finger tips. Angel slowly stood up again, and Helen took this opportunity to get behind her and swiftly end this fight.

Once he got behind her, he swiftly plunged his knife into her back, and it protruded from the front of her chest, blood spilling through the sides.

For a brief moment I felt proud, but that's quickly interrupted by the sounds of Angel taking her last breaths, gasping for any air she could get, before Helen quickly pulled out the knife, blood spurting everywhere, as she falls to her knees, and then onto her stomach.

She is dead.

Angel is dead.

Empty Promises (Bloody Painter x Reader) [RE-WRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now