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I'm am so done with all you stupid immature Lucy/ nalu fans are starting to get on my nerves like instead of bashing on other people's opinions like chill out I never said that it was the truth I just waz saying what I felt. Like I don't remember asking for you to tell me how to think or feel about this character like the last time I checked I and many other people can think what they want and if you disagree then keep it to yourself nobody wants to hear that. And I don't care if they are reading this because people like then is one reason why people hate Lucy and nalu because y'all ruin everyone's mood when you get mad at people for having there own opinion😐 like they make themselves look so dumb by doing this but I didn't really say anything but this one thing that what I said was my opinion. Then this one person said I was being disrespectful for writing this book and I'm like ok so it's disrespectful to write a book like this but what your doing isn't? Like they was calling me stupid, dumb a b*** and crap and I was like they do realize that I am talking about a fictional character. Then this one person literally said the same thing I was saying this hole time that she is a fictional character and I'm like but you guys literally act like she's real like you said it your self she's fake she's not real so why are you guys getting so mad about me writing this book. Is this your book the last time I checked this was made by Kingbob7725 not none of them pieces of shit like shut up and y'all really think that y'all are making a point no your not your just making yourselves look like 5 year olds like if you agree you agree and if you don't move on with your lives stop reading and being petty over nothing. But thanks to HeartOfNature and 8_l_u_e_5_a_p_h_i_r for stepping in because I don't think they would have stopped if they didn't. But that has been going on for about 3 hours and I just was getting tired of it. So that is what messed up my hole day. So Kingbob is out ✌

Anti nalu and Anti Lucy ( now a rant book)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora