Heather smiles at Phoebe, excited to hear her sing. Even though Phoebe has some weird and very creative songs, Heather loves them. She loves watching Phoebe sing and have fun up there.

"Thanks, hi. I want to start with a song that means a lot to me this time of year." Phoebe says, ringing the bells and then playing the guitar.

Phoebe stays up there for the next thirty minutes singing all her songs about her mother's death. Everyone was incredibly bored and now very upset, since her songs changed the mood drastically.

Heather sits on the armrest of the couch right in front of Phoebe, smiling proudly, ignoring everyone else's groans for the blonde to be finished singing. Phoebe stops singing to yell at some people to stop talking, but then decided it was time for a break.


The friends were decorating a tree in Monica and Rachel's apartment, while Phoebe explains how much she likes David, the man who was talking while she was singing the other night.

"I see where this is going. You're going to ask him to New Years. You're going to break the pact." Chandler gasps.

"If she breaks it, can I?" Heather asks.

"Yeah, so could I?" Phoebe asks. Heather nodding her head, hoping that if Phoebe breaks it, she can too.

"Yeah, cause I already asked Janice." Chandler sighs.

"This was your pact!" Ross yells.

"I snapped, okay? I couldn't handle the pressure and I snapped."

"But that was like, the worst breakup in history."

"I'm not saying it was a good idea, I'm saying I snapped!"

"Hi, sorry I'm late." Joey says, rushing into the apartment. He takes his coat off and Heather holds up a hand to her mouth, containing her laughs. He was wearing the silliest elf costume ever.

"Too many jokes. Must mock Joey. You're killing me!" Chandler laughs.

"Well everyone, since those two got dates." Heather says pointing to Chandler and Phoebe. "I'm going to go ask James to be my date." Heather says while grabbing her coat.

"Who's James?" Joey asks a little offended his best friend wouldn't tell him about a guy she liked.

"James Benson-" Heather got cut off by Monica's screeching.

"You know James Benson?!" All the girls were in shock that Heather knew him. James was a very attractive model and choreographer.

"Yeah, we've worked together on a few routines." Heather laughs at the girl's reactions.

"That's so cool!" Rachel exclaims.

"Yeah, I'll see you guys later." Heather smiles and leaves to go ask James to be her date.


"What does the phrase "no-date pact" mean to you?" Ross asks as he and Monica walk into the coffeehouse.

"I'm sorry, okay? It's just that Chandler and Phoebe have somebody and Heather might have somebody. I thought I'd ask fun Bobby."

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