11 :: swimming in it

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"On the way here, I brought some alcohol and infected into each of your veins! Even when a little is put into your veins, it makes you really drunk!" Shigechi laughed, thinking that he had won.

"What did I do?!" You slurred, questioning this punishment even though you literally had did nothing this entire time.

Okuyasu grabbed his eye and cried out in pain, and sure enough, it was due to Harvest slashing his eye.

"Josuke! Close your eye!" yelled Okuyasu, and Josuke did, but his eye still got slashed pretty badly.

You stood up, not as wobbly. "Listen, kid, just give 'em the money. Better some money than none at all, right? You've got the world at your feet with your stand, so you can just collect more later, right?"

Shigechi thought. "Well, you aren't wrong, but..."

"But what?"

"But I do what I want."

Harvest slashed at your eye, causing you to scream. "What was that for?!" He laughed. "You didn't want to have fun with me, did you?"

"Shigechi!" You both turned around. Okuyasu was on his knees, handing Shigechi a wad of money. "We're sorry! Please just forgive us!"

Shigechi got closer to take the money, but then stopped. "You're not just baiting me, are you?"

That was it. You easily picked him up by the back of his shirt and lifted him up to your height. "Forgive them, Shigechi."

"Well, girlie-"

"My name is y/n, Shit-gechi."

"Whatever, but my harvest got us to where we are now. It's my money. Mine!"

You inspected the five million slip in your hand, which you had taken while he wasn't looking. "You mean this?"

He reached for it, but you held him back. "Hey, that's my money!"

"Well, it's yours and theirs. Did you skip kindergarten? No wonder you're such a numbskull."

Shigechi growled. "If you don't give me that now, I'll use harvest to rip out your insides!"

You raised an eyebrow. "If you do, I'll punch you so hard that the only thing that you'll be able to taste for the next week is my fist."

"Try me."

Sure enough, you punched him using you stand. Instead of multiple punches, you landed one hard punch on his mouth, which sent him flying backwards.

You walked over to him on the floor, placing a foot on his chest. "Who's the guy who came up with this idea in the first place?" You asked.



"M-Mr. Josuke!"

"Very good!" You marveled. "Now, who's the one who found the lottery ticket?"

"Mr. Okuyasu..."

"Alright," you pressed your foot harder onto his chest. "Who's the girl who spared you, even though you catcalled her three times, and nearly killed her, and she still decided not to kill you?!"

"Ms-Ms. Y/n!"


"Queen y/n!"


"Lord y/n!"

You released your foot from his chest. You were feeling a little defiant, so you decided to fuck with him. "If I'm a lord, then BOW BEFORE ME!"

Shigechi whimpered and gave a deep bow, getting down on his knees and pressing his head to the floor. "I'm so sorry! Please don't kill me!"

You stood defiantly before him. Josuke and Okuyasu stood up, not drunk anymore. Shining Diamond fixed your eye. You smiled at Josuke and Okuyasu.

"Now, can you promise me to share, Shit-gechi?"

"Y-yes, lord y/n!"

You made sure he did. You smiled when you all went to the bank, and saw Josuke and Okuyasu on the verge of tears due to all the money.

Sharing is caring, kids.

Hey, hope y'all survived a couple days without updates from this book. That's good, because mommy is here to save the day with an update

Well mommy's gonna go eat some pretzel sticks now. See y'all


tough luck :: josuke x readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ