Chapter 2

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When we arrive at my house I open the door and pull him along behind me as I step into the hall. As he looks around I can tell he is feeling even more uneasy then he previously did as my old council estate house was obviously of a lot lower standard than his house and if his expensive uniform  and shoes were anything to go by than I’d guess his parents were well paid.

“Come on we’re going to my room” I said as I pulled him up the stairs to my room, I pushed open the door and led him over to my bed and sat down.

“Well then sit down” I said as he was just staring at it as if unsure what to do, as he sat down, I pulled out a packet of cigarettes, took one out and lit it up.

“You smoke?” I asked already knowing the answer but I needed to see how willing he was and also to see if he would lie to me just to sound “cool”.

“Um y-yeah” he said looking at the cigarettes in my hand with a terrified look on his face.

I passed him one and my lighter and he just sat there with them in hand looking lost, confused and scared all at the same time.

I sighed and took them back off him and lit the cigarette.

“I thought you said you smoked?” I said with a chuckle as I passed it back to him.

“I-I do its just your lighter was d-different” he explain quickly with a forced half smile in an effort to make me believe his obvious lie.

“Yeah yeah” I went along with his lie in an effort to make him more comfortable around me

He took a deep breath before bringing the cigarette to is lips and almost immediately started coughing and spluttering, I started laughing until I realised that it looked like he has having a pretty serious coughing fit.

“Dan!? Are you okay?” I asked with a worried expression on my face.

He tried to reply to me but couldn’t as he wasn’t able to stop coughing.

“Come on then” I said as picked him up bridal style and carried him downstairs to the kitchen. He continued to cough as a brought him downstairs and even as I sat him down on one of the kitchen chairs and walked away to go get him a glass of water.

“Woah, woah!” I said running back over to him with the glass of water as I saw him about to fall out the chair with the force of his coughs. I quickly put down the glass of water and pick him up in my arms again, I end up sitting on the chair and him clinging onto me like a little monkey with my t-shirt balled up in his fists.

“Come on” I said as I try to give him the glass of water but end having to tip it into his mouth. Once he had eventually stopped coughing and was just taking deep wheezy breaths I asked him “You haven’t smoked before, have you?”

“No, asthma” he said while still taking wheezy breaths.

“Well you should have told me that! You turnip!” I say laughing.

He just shakes his head and as I look at him, still clinging to my shirt, I can’t help but find myself thinking how adorable he is.

And after months and months, I have finally written a second part!

Hopefully there will be more to come but with less of a gap in between parts.

Please let me know what you think and any ideas you have as to what you might like to happen! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2014 ⏰

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