Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

" Hey guys. Right so I was thinking maybe we could all hang out at mine and Ginny's place tonight. You know just have a really cool night where we all hang out?" Harry suggested. All the others agreed with him and soon enough, they had made full plans for the evening and were all excited I just spend some time together.

Much later, the gang had all gathered in the Potter lair. They were having fun and eating snacks that had been brought by Ron who had sneaked into the kitchens and grabbed it because no one could be bothered to go to their kitchens and make them themselves. Something that according to Pansy, he did an awful lot. The boys talked about Quidditch and who they thought was going to win the next quidditch match between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Meanwhile the girls were talking about the weddings. "Well Mione found the most beautiful bridesmaid dresses in the boutique. She hasn't found her dress. I have and I have a few ideas for what I want my bridesmaid dresses to be." Pansy explained to Ginny and Luna.

Luna seemed to think a bit and then she spoke. "I think I want yellow dresses for my wedding. I think it would look nice with the sun shining. Me and Blaise are still unsure what we want for our wedding. It isn't until June but I want to be prepared." Luna then explained. "I knew that I wanted mine at the Burrow the moment that I saw Harry and Ginny's wedding." Pansy grinned as the boys started to clap Harry's back but stopped when they got a glare from Ginny. None of the other girls noticed the looks that were exchanged as Ginny started to speak.

"Well I hope that I'm not too big by then Luna. I might need a maternity dress for my bridesmaid dress." She said while she was grinned. Suddenly all the girls got what she was saying at the exact same time. "You're pregnant?" Pansy said excitedly. Ginny nodded and the room was filled with squeals from the three girls who threw themselves at Ginny. "How do you already know?" Hermione gushed. "Wizards have better technology than muggles. I must have gotten pregnant on my wedding night." Ginny exclaimed excitedly. Everyone was suddenly extremely happy. "Oh this is quite amazing. But you have to be careful Ginny because I've heard that Wrackspurts are the true cause of baby brain because they know you're more vulnerable." Luna said with full seriousness. "Thanks for the advice Luna." Ginny giggled. The other two also smiled at Luna as they kept talking about the newest baby that would be arriving.

Draco smiled as he looked over at the girls who were all excited. He then looked back to Harry and grinned "Way to go Harry. You're gonna be making all our girls want kids now." Draco smiled. Ron groaned. "Oh god. Pansy already wants a baby, this is gonna make her 5 times worse." He said. Draco laughed "Pansy has wanted a baby since she was in third year, don't worry." He joked. "Although once you guys get married, she will get worse." He added and Ron turned red. "What about Hermione? She's never really talked about children?" Harry asked and Draco shrugged. "Neither of us have. I mean I would like a few I think." Draco admitted. "I think she talked about it with the girls. Pansy mentioned something a while ago about it." Ron added before the four men turned back to looking at their fiancés/wife.

"So we're going like two weeks before Pansy's wedding to get dresses?" Ginny asked the other girls who all nodded. "Yeah and then I'm gonna get my stuff then as well because it just makes sense for us all to get fitted there for both weddings." Hermione replied. "Who's coming then? My mum, Hermione's mum. Ginny, Luna. Molly said she wants to come. Is Narcissa coming?" Pansy asked Hermione who nodded. "She told me to owl her the date when we knew for sure and she would be there. She's also doing a lot in the gardens because me and Draco want it to be out in the open and then have the actual party in the Manor itself." Hermione explained. Pansy smiled and shook her head. "It's so strange. The fact that Narcissa Malfoy is practically wetting herself in excitement because her son is marrying a muggleborn-" She started and was cut off "Yeah but it's the best muggleborn so everything is perfect." Draco smirked as he sat down next to Hermione and kissed her cheek. "Congratulations Weaslette." He then smirked. Ginny rolled her eyes "That isn't my surname anymore Malfoy." She said as she glared playfully. Draco shrugged "Okay Pottette. Nah. It doesn't have the same ring to it as Weaslette does." He smirked. Ginny just huffed in response.

Later that night Draco and Hermione were back in their living quarters. Hermione was in the kitchen, making them both a little late night snack before they went to bed. Draco was sat by the fire, reading Romeo and Juliet. He loved the book and Hermione had given him a newer version for Christmas as his old copy was extremely tattered from him having to hide it many places. Once he got to a certain age, his father had banned him from reading muggle books and then bombarded him with wizard books. However his mother didn't agree with that and got Draco Romeo and Juliet but told him to keep it hidden from his father. Now his father was locked away in Azkaban for the rest of his life or dead, Draco was happily reading muggle books without a care in the world.

"Have you read any other of Shakespeare's plays?" Hermione asked, walking into the sitting area with a plate that had some fruit on it. Draco shook his head. "Not really. Have you?" He asked. Hermione nodded as she sat down next to him and smiled. "Yeah I've read loads. My favourite is either Romeo and Juliet or Macbeth. I have Macbeth at my parents house. I didn't bring it with me. It has a lot of war in it. I didn't feel like bringing it to Hogwarts with me." She confessed. Draco sighed and wrapped an arm around her. "I wanted to talk to you about something. All this talk about children and Harry and Ginny expecting made me start to think about how we've never actually spoken about children. I mean we discussed Olivia but not really whether we wanted more. What do you think?" He asked as Hermione leaned on him slightly. "Well I definitely want more than one." She smiled. Draco nodded in agreement. "Me too. Let's just see what life brings us." He suggested as the girl in front of him. "That we will." Hermione smiled as she summoned her copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard and the two sat in perfect silence reading their books.

Thank you for reading. I couldn't believe when we hit 20k on this story and now we're already at 22k. This is so overwhelming for me. Please comment and vote if you enjoyed the the chapter. Thanks again. -Alex xxx

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