Death and chaos

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Standing on the deck of the cruiser looking at the man in the armored suit, I had to fight the urge to call them a big daddy and make a rapture joke because well if I don't I know Lana will. Sauntering over with my rifle and a Saiga shotgun slung over my shoulder because I found the armory I asked, tired from the day before and no closer to finding out who shot me

"Hello you iron giant looking motherfucker, at least your Italian knife works but who the fuck are you and  why did you help us?" and I was shocked seeing the helmet come up and a voice I remembered saying

"Well raider you honest don't remember the Snake squadron do you?" and I saw Glen's blue eyes and brown hair looking back at me. Fighting back the shock as I assumed that everyone who had been hooked up with my unit was dead like Lana and I were supposed to be I quickly gave him the middle finger before replying 

"Fuck you and not on your life puta" and we all fell quiet until we heard singing break through the crystal clear dawn.

 "I wish now I had never touched the handle of a hair triggered colt 44" was a familiar line that got me turning around and seeing Lana standing on the deck in a pair of Russian fatigue pants and a uniform top that was three sizes too big and her hair was unkempt like she had just missed a shower, well we all had as being sent out to sea after having fought your way to the ship and stealing it tends to give you enough adrenaline to feel like a druggie on a five day bender. Smiling I yelled 

"Well Lana I thought you would have slept in or at least gotten a shower because you need it also can I practice bomb disposal on your hair?" and she just gave me the middle finger before we all grabbed the ingredients we wanted and  started to cook on deck as even though we had found a crew willing to leave the area with us it was hard to understand. 

Cypress Greece Three days Prior  to the escape

As I woke up in the hospital I heard the doctor as I had been awake for three days saying 

"He is awake and the wounds are healing nicely but I still say we shouldn't reveal his identity because people may try to kill him and his sister if they know they are here". Clearing my throat I saw him turn around as he thought I was asleep or something but oh well, and making sure I had his attention I asked

"Do you think me and my sister can head into town and maybe go to the harbor because we feel like we are prisoners on death row right now" and he saw the look in my eyes saying I had been down that road a time or twelve and fortunately for me he didn't ask for clarification. As I slowly pulled on the clothes he left me, I stole a look at my sister and said in a tongue I knew she would understand but not the doctor "Si tu dumbass presta la atención podemos encontrar un barco para robar y salir de aquí" and she replied "Vete a la mierda, hijo de puta inútil".

Quickly making sure I was dressed, I grabbed a small scalpel and tucked it into my pocket and smiled as the doctor looked so fucking puzzled about how I got dressed so fast and the fact I spoke Spanish and it was priceless. Looking over at Lana I nodded before telling the doctor in very rudimentary Greek

"Eimaste etomoi na pame kyrie" and I swear at that point I was a horrible poker player as the shock of what he said was plastered on my face, and he said, in prefect oxford accented English in contrast with my rough Greek, "I appreciate the gesture but you should just stick to your mother tongue and before you ask I spent some time in Britain as an exchange student at the Royal Military Academy" and I just nodded before we headed out to the bay and the ships all the while scanning for anything we could use to aid in a breakout or anyone we would have to kill because getting thrown in jail on the island would really screw up an exfiltration plan. As the two of us saw a small 20 foot cruiser motor yacht that seemed to be full of supplies, we then felt a change in the winds. No, none of that poetic shit where the doctor pulls a gun on us and turns us in, it just simply started to pour.. HARD. 

As the three of us walked back to the hospital getting more and more soaked I felt a kinship with the doctor who was risking his life for us and when I saw a restaurant offering a dish called souvaki and Apaki. Naturally curious and hungry as hell as the hospital food was horrible I asked, sheepishly

"Hey doc do you think we can get some food here before we head back to the hospital because I know they will not have good food there" and the doctor fished out his wallet and handed us 20 drachma apiece before saying like a father

"Okay but you two be back in bed before 10 and try to stay dry" and we both nodded before ordering the Apaki, which turns out to be delicious pork cooked in vinegar and then we ordered Souvaki which are shiskibobs served with Pita bread. Damn it was good and after the two of us had our fill we decided it was time to walk back and dropped the money on the counter before we slipped out the door and started the hike back with the air still damp from the down pour, all in all a pleasant change from the garbage in the streets but we never got that far. Turning down the alley as we both felt we were being followed the two of us discovered the alley was an ambush when a stun gun was jammed into my side and Lana was bagged up, then I heard what sounded like a car playing Kenny Rodgers in the worst possible way-on a blown out speaker. 

Riding on the floor boards with a bunch of feet on me I promised myself that they would all die slowly. As we were taken back to the port, I heard the sound of gravel and we were loaded back into a old warehouse and if it were me I would have dug a couple graves- for those poor bastards because I won't die. Watching as they stripped my sisters clothes off, I had to laugh as she said quietly "I hope you all know I like this kinky bondage so make sure you go after my nipples last" and smirked as she spat blood from a broken nose and busted lip. As they started beating her with clubs and gun butts I yelled 

"Hey stupid motherfuckers she loves getting the shit beat out of her so fuck off" and as they grabbed a ugly cart and strapped me to a pipe bed frame and doused me with water Lana remarked smirking as we both had been through resistance to interrogation and we treated it as a vacation

"Well brother I think they are telling you that you need a shower, and these faggots need to learn how to handle real power" before they finally shut her up.. Then they shocked me like what the fuck and I am sure my telling them I wasn't tired and to fuck off had something to do with it. As they kept shocking me demanding who I was a big ass motherfucker held a hammer to my hand and instead of asking a question just slammed the hammer down, breaking the bones in my hand which would have hurt, if I could feel them but part of the process I became a ghost in a shell as it were.  Going through the beating, and really getting bored with all this love tap bullshit, a familiar soul paid us a visit and Megan said, her contempt obvious, 

"Well Boy you should have just stayed dead like what the fuck now you can at least do your commander one last thing and follow this order and die" before she said, 

"From my family to yours-Halten Sie Ihren verdammten Mund und packen Sie sie am Hals und drücken Sie" which is interesting given the fact her family was British. Grabbing the throats of the two closest as Megan shoved them and cranked the shock bed I was on up to twelve as I crushed the throats like soda cans before I was cut free, I wandered over to the last dying man who asked me

"Who the hell are you" and before I put his gun to his heart I said in greek "Eímai to fántasma pou fovásai óti se perpatá to vrády, tha se doúme stin kólasi tin iméra pou tha petháno" and shot him right through the heart twice and decided that it wasn't good enough and I took the knife they never used on me and I carved his face off with a smile before I sewed it on to a soccer ball and kicked it toward the police station watching as they all freaked the fuck out. I know what you are all thinking-who wouldn't freak out seeing someones face carved off and a young man covered in blood but I wasn't that scary.

Mediterranean sea 0530 hours RFS Moscow/HNS Athena

Standing on the deck of the former Russian navy nuclear cruiser, still with both Russian and Greek flags flying I looked back at Glen and Megan before I asked the two

"So do either of you have any ideas on who tried to kill us all?" and as neither knew I was bummed out until Richard brought out the soccer ball we dubbed leatherface and we kicked it around until Glen kicked it over and as he looked sad I remarked knowing our war was far from over, "Don't you worry but we will have plenty of time to make many leatherface soccer balls before the war ends" and we all sat in silence before getting breakfast watching the sun rise hoping we would survive to see the day ahead. 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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