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Chapter Eight:

Edited: ✔️

Ophelia was tired of the new strange things happening everyday at school, she thought as time went by things would start to step away from odd but it was only getting worse. Clay was always staring at Zach, sending glares and muttering under his breath. When she asked him about it, he told her it was nothing.

After Clay left her house that night, after they both read the letter over and over again she tried to put some distance between the two. That only made Clay cling to her more, worried she'd do something stupid. Now she stood in front of her locker, her head hidden by the door that was swung out. Students rushed by, everyone was excited about the basketball game tonight. Ophelia didn't want to go, it was dumb and she hated sports anyways.

The bell rang again and people rushed for the doors, all wanting to go home to prepare for the big game. She closed her locker and spun on her heels, following the crowd outside. Clay was leaning against the building, he pushed off and made his way towards her.

"Hey." He smiled.

"I'm going home." Ophelia said quickly, wanting to get as far away from school as possible. "If you need me text or call."


Tammy had prepared an early dinner, something quick and easy. Nothing was more easy than Mac and cheese. Ophelia sat at the table and picked at her food, not very hungry.

"Are you alright?" Her father questioned, "You haven't been eating."

"I'm not hungry." She said, pulling herself up from the table. Her mother said something but she didn't hear it, instead she ran up the stairs to her room where she slammed the door. Lately she was having trouble sleeping, and her eyes burned with every blink. She sighed, falling onto her bed.

Minutes later her phone buzzed, she groaned ignoring it. It went off again, and she grabbed it and tossed it across the room. It bounced on the floor a few times before the noise stopped.

"Lia." There was a soft knock, the door slowly opened and Clay's head peaked in. "Hey."


"Come on."

She glared, "Go where?"

"It's a surprise."

"That sounds awful."

Clay wandered over and grabbed her arms, pulling her to her feet. "Put on a sweater, it's cold."

She rolled her eyes, walking over to her closet and yanked a sweatshirt off a hanger. She tugged it on over her shirt, "Happy?"

He nodded, leading her down the stairs. He said a quick goodbye to her parents as they made it outside, she followed him back up the street.

"Where are we going?" She questioned, slightly annoyed at this sudden outing. The plan was to stay home the rest of the day and do nothing.

Her question was quickly answered when they approached Liberty High, "Hell no."

"We need to get out more." Clay said, "And I wasn't coming alone—"

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