Chapter 2

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Almost eighteen years had passed in Corona. In the hidden tower, within a beautiful little valley, a chameleon rushed out on the large window panel. He panted before he hid in front of a flower pot. He started to breathe heavily and glanced behind him. He then allowed himself to blend in with the color the flowerpot. Seconds later, the window panels flung open to reveal a teenage girl with long gold hair wearing a pretty pink and purple dress.

"Ah ha!" she cried out and gave a playful smirk while her green eyes glanced down at the flower pot. She rubbed her hair before she started to say, "Well, I don't see Pascal out here. Maybe he's somewhere else in the tower." Pascal started to sigh in relief when he felt himself being lifted in the air by his tail, "Gotcha!" she cried out in surprise while she hung upside down and was using a part of her hair to hold Pascal.

Pascal squeaked before he turned back into his normal green color. The girl, Rapunzel laughed while she up righted herself and lowered her friend back down to the window panel.

"Okay I won this round. How about 23 out 45?" She questioned while placing her hands on her hips. Pascal gave her a look to indicate he did not want to play this game anymore. Groaning, Rapunzel sat on the sill and questioned with a knowing look, "Okay, fine, what do you wanna do?" Hearing this, the chameleon grinned and using his tail to point outside, "Uh no. I like it in here and so do you." Rapunzel shook her head as she placed him on her knee. Pascal merely glared at her while sticking out his tongue, "Oh come on, Pascal, it's really not that bad."

Rapunzel picked Pascal up and she turned before running inside. Using her hair, she used a switch to open up the tower. Sunlight poured into the small tower and she slid down her hair while she began to sing and do her daily chores.

7 AM, the usual morning lineup:

Start on the chores and sweep 'til the floor's all clean

Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up

Sweep again, and by then it's like 7:15

And so I'll read a book

Or maybe two or three

I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery

I'll play guitar and knit

And cook and basically

Just wonder when will my life begin?

Then after lunch it's puzzles and darts and baking

Paper mache, a bit of ballet and chess

Pottery and ventriloquy, candle making

Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch, take a climb,

Sew a dress

And I'll reread the books

If I have time to spare

I'll paint the walls some more,

I'm sure there's room somewhere

And then I'll brush and brush,

and brush and brush my hair

Stuck in the same place I've always been

And I'll keep wonderin' and wonderin'

And wonderin' and wonderin'

When will my life begin?

Tomorrow night,

The lights will appear

Jackunzel: BelieveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt