Chapter 1

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Alucards pov:

Did i seriously just get slapped by this bitch!?, i looked at this girl before me she certainly was a prize, but i could tell straight away she wasn't human, she was a vampire fledgling, that made me lust for her more.

"sorry sorry....i didn't mean to slap you... i-its just that m-my instincts kicked i-in and i just", she stuttered, i chuckled at her response.

third person pov

"so delicate like a flower", Alucard muttered under his breath as he stroked her hair, Scarlet gazed into the mans eyes, they were a beautiful red colour, scarlet gasped.

"your a vampire", she said

"you only just noticed", Alucard raised his eyebrow

"well yeah the eyes are a big give away also i can sense it", scarlet said bluntly

"your a vampire as well i see", Alucard chuckled, scarlet smiled awkwardly.

"i have a question for you miss", Alucard said a toothy smile forming.

"what might that be?", scarlet asked, Alucard's smirk grew.

"are you a virgin?", Alucard asked calmly

"what the fuck!", scarlet screamed and slapped Alucard's face more harder than before. Alucard's smirk was replaced with a frown, Scarlet started backing up slowly.

"i'm gonna ask once more", Alucard said more serious, scarlet grabbed her arm uncomfortably as she gulped, Alucard leaned down, his breath was hitting the little fledglings ear.

"are you a virgin?", he whispered into her ear, scarlet stood there for a moment until she did something she knew she would later regret.

"Yes!", she shouted and kicked Alucard in the...well where the sun don't shine, she bolted deeper into the woods, a faint growl could be heard from Alucard, he was either growling in annoyance, or the fact that i kicked him in his parts either way he was pissed. Scarlet was running past the thick trees, she turned around to see if Alucard was chasing her, she looked in front of her and ran into Alucard's chest, she fell to the floor her vision becoming a blur.

"don't worry my love i'll take good care of you", Alucard said in a sadistic tone

"no stay away from- m-me" scarlet tried to say,

"just sleep", Alucard said gently, as he picked her up and cradled her.

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