A Lunch to Remember

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Draco's POV

I walk into the great hall with a huge frown, I look around at the other tables as I walk to my own.

As I sit down on the hard wooden bench my eyes catch Granger's and I can feel the heat of blush on my cheeks.

Blaise elbows me hard in the side and a loud yelp escapes my lips. If looks could kill, he would be so dead.

"Shit man, your being too obvious" he whispers as he pats my back gently. "They'll figure it out if you aren't careful."

I slide down the bench a bit. "Fuck me" I think as I bump into Pansy. "DRAKE! Watch the fuck out?" yelling right in my fucking ear, then she huffs with attitude.

I slam my palms down onto the table and leap into a standing position. I look up and all eyes are on me. I look over to Granger and our eyes meet. They look like chocolate pools of worry.

Blaise attempts to pull me back down but, I shake him off walking towards the Gryffindor table.

"Granger, we need to talk." I request expressionless. I watch her confused face as I wait for her. Her face goes beet red and her fists ball up and I know in this moment I fucked up.

She swings at my face again, this time I dodge her fist. "Whoa... whoa... whoa... slow your roll Granger."

She gets really close to hitting me this time. I grab her arm in the air gently and look deep in her eyes.

"I'm not trying to start anything I just have something you have to hear, and not here" I pull her to follow me.

As we exit the great hall doors she pulls to a screeching halt. "Where in merlin's name are you taking me?" she shouts.

"I know you don't trust me but, I really need you to try. Just this once." I beg. "Damn it Granger, you must know I'm being serious. Malfoys don't beg."

"Okay but, if anything happens remember I've read almost every book in the restricted section." She warns me, as she grips tightly on her wand.

I take her down the rusty door and Nicolas Flammel's dusty portrait. "Where are we Malfoy?" She asks obviously freaked out.

I open the door and coax her inside. "This is the..." "The Mirror of Erised" she cuts me off in awe.

"Of course she already knows that you fucking twat. She a bloody fucking know-it-all." I think with an audible groan.

"So, you obviously already know what it does." I assume. I walk over to the mirror and look inside. "When I look in this mirror I see you and I, and we are snogging." I flinch expecting her to hex me.

When she doesn't I look over to her and she is staring at the mirror with a mixed expression of confusion and awe. "It's supposed to show me what I desire most but, its showing me what you desire most." Her brow furrows in deep thought.

I feel my face lighting up in glee as I realize what this means. I rush to her side and grab her hands "Granger do you know what this means?" I ask excitedly.

She pulls her hands out of mine and looks at me. She definitely knows what it means. She starts to run to the door.

"Wait!" I yell, but she's already gone. "I don't understand, why did you run." I say out loud to no one in particular. "Shit!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2017 ⏰

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