"Crap, I should give you some spending money." Sally replied, fumbling in her bag for her purse as she locked up the flat. "Haven't got any cash..." She mumbled to herself. "Here, take my American Express, it'll be euros anyway. Code's 9-6-2-8. Do you want me to write that down?"

"No," I smiled to myself, knowing that everything was going to be fine. "This is fine, thanks."

We pulled up at the airport, and luckily we'd avoided the traffic, but I think Sally would be caught in it on the way back.

"Now, Lola." Sally turned to me as she parked the car. "Are you sure you wanna do this?"

I took a deep breath. "Yes. I am."

"In that case, have fun and don't worry! Denmark is amazing! And you have Kori to keep you company, it'll be great. Call me when you land and keep me updated on all the Carlenko stuff! Love you!"

She hugged me across the car. "You're like a daughter to me. And I know your Mum's proud of you too."

"Thanks, Sally. I love you too." I kissed her cheek and hugged her again, grateful for everything she'd done for me.

She turned to Max.
"Money to get to school?"

"Oyster." He waved it. "Tube to Knightsbridge."

"Cool. See you later kids." She heaved the suitcase out of the boot, kissed me and hugged me again, hugged Max, and then shooed us in the direction of the airport. "Go on, you'll miss your flight!"

Eventually, the car left, Sally's hand sticking out of the window with a thumbs up.

The other models and our manager were gathered by the entrance when we got inside.

"Come on, you're late!" Kori called, ushering us over.

"Carlton, Anna." The manager was saying.

"Here, sir."

"Lola, are you sure you wanna do this?"
Max began, but I interrupted him.

"Max, I know you're gonna think this is really stupid, but-"

"Chapman, Hermione."

"Here sir."

"Say it Lola, whatever it is, say it." He said, not conscious of Kori standing by, and listening in for sure, especially now I've discovered that she likes Max.

"Coleby, Lola."

"Here, sir." I replied, then turned back to Max's concerned green eyes. "Look Max, I can't do this."

"Do what? This trip? You'll be fi-"

"No, I mean I can't do this! Us! I'm so sorry!" I broke down, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Hey, hey." He pulled me closer to him, but it just made me cry even more. Kori couldn't hide the fact that she was listening at this point.

"What's up?" She asked in her casual American tone.

"I think I know." Max said, pulling my face out of his chest gently.

"Lola, I was gonna say something to you yesterday, but I didn't think it was what you wanted to hear. Now I know it is. You're just -"

"Not feeling it anymore." I whispered.

"Exactly. I know you're still in love with him. He's my best friend. And you're my best friend too. And I want you to be happy, no matter what. And if I can't do that..." he sighed. "I know Brooklyn's right for you. And I'm not. And I'll always love you, but we both know, deep down, it's not like that."

I burst into tears again, but they were tears of relief.

"Savlani, Kori."

"Here sir!" Kori's head whipped round to answer her name.

"Is she okay?" Asked the manager.

"Just a nervous, flyer, we'll just go get her a drink, she'll be fine!" Kori replied, grabbing her bags while Max grabbed mine and together we made our way over to Pret A Manger, which was already teaming with people.

"Thanks for saying that Max. It's all true, I just didn't know how to break it to you. You've been so good, and..." I looked across the table at Kori. "And you deserve to be happy too. With someone who loves you like I never can. Someone like Kori."

"Me? What?" She jumped.

"I know you like him, Kori." I mumbled, wiping my eyes. "And Max is a good guy. Too good for me."

"That's not true!" Max stroked my hand across the table, but his eyes strayed across Kori's beautiful face with a sense of wonder, and I knew they could work.

"Hey, guys, I think we're going through check in." Kori looked over her shoulder and true enough, the manager and models were heading for the gates.

I wiped my eyes again, determination flooding my body.

"Kori, I'm sorry. Go, you'll miss the flight."

"Wait are you really a nervous flier?" Kori asked, while Max's face showed equal confusion.

"What? No, but I have somewhere I need to be."

"Where?" Kori and Max said at once.


Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter, it's one of the last few.

FINALLY Lola makes her choice. Thank you all for rooting for whoever you rooted for. Whether you're Team Brooklyn, Team Max, or Team Lola, thanks for loving this book as much as me.

Please leave me a lovely comment and vote if you enjoyed this. Thanks for supporting me all the way through.


Lose Me (Brooklyn Beckham Fanfiction, Sequel to Stop Me)Where stories live. Discover now