Trouble in paradise?

Start from the beginning

Eli and Metri weren't here to make jokes Melo and Gelo weren't here to argue about stupid stuff and O wasn't here to be the adorable tall person he is. Nobody was really talking but me and daijon and I realized that Melo Gelo Eli and O are what hold the group together.

Different clicks on the team come together because of them. People get mad that the ball boys, Eli and O are the center of attention all the time. They think they should give others the spot light but truthfully they hate the spot light it's just so happens that they are all leaders.

Walking alone to lunch is pretty weird. People are looking at me crazy and I'm just thinking in my head 'imma kill them.'

When I get to the lunch room I sit down thinking that they are getting food and they'll be here shortly.

"Melo! Chill out bro don't do nothing dumb." I hear LiAngelo's deep voice.

"Nah ain't no chill. I won't be chill." Melo said .

Metri sat next to me but didn't say anything. She looked at me and I saw ... disappointment? Gelo and Eli sat across from me as usual but didn't make eye contact. What in the world is going on?

"This the type of shot you gonna do Kaylee?! You just gone play me like I'm nothing? Like I'm a lil bitch?" Melo said yelling at me making he turn and look at him. "Well that's not gonna happen."

"What are you talking about babe?" I asked genuinely confused. I tried touching him but he just yanked his arm away from me.

"I ain't yo baby bitch." He yelled. He unlocked his phone and showed me a picture making me gasp.

"It's not what it looks like ." I rushed out.

Yesterday Justin came to visit me. He said he wanted to talk but I didn't want him in my house so we sat on the front steps. Justin apologized for what he said to me .

What Melo was showing me was a picture of me and Justin laughing, my hand was on my leg and his hand was on top of mine.

"Please explain to me what it is. Cause I show lol like you and they guy my ex cheated on me with are having a great time. I told you to stay away from him and by the way you've talked to you I thought you would be stupid enough to fall for his wack ass." Melo shouted. Loud enough for me to jump but but not loud enough so the whole cafeteria would hear. Just our table and the tables close.

"Melo I swear it's not what it looks like. Let me explain." I said trying not to jump back.

He took my arms and dragged me outside with Gelo Eli O Metri and daijon all behind us.

"You got 5 minutes." He said crossing his arm looking at his watch.

"I -i... he- uhh- omg I can't speak." I said. Metri rubbed my back.

"Take your time." She said with a but of emotion. I could tell she wasn't to happy with me. I just looked at Melo I couldn't speak. Every time I opened my mouth.

"I'm waiting." He said.

"Melo I love you and I would never hurt you." That was the only thing I could say.

"We need to break up." He said with so much venom his in his tone.

"Break up? You really want to break up?" I said not believing what I was hearing. My eyes were watering but I didn't let the tears fall.

"Yes that what is said." He said talking to me like I was nothing.

"But Melo ... i love you so much please don't do this." I said. The tears finally fell and I sobbed uncontrollably.

"Fuck you think I look like hoe? I'm outta here." Melo said turning around with Eli, Melo and O behind him. They all gave me sad looks but they of course left with him. He had every right to be mad.

"Trouble in paradise?" Victoria asked walking past me, Metri and Don with her friends.

This has got to be the worst day ever.

Victoria is actual trash and if you knew the girl she was based off of you'd think the original was trash too... just saying.

Anyway they broke up... never thought I would do this to be honest but hey it's happened.

What y'all think? Do y'all hate me? Whats going on in yalls pretty little heads?

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