Goodnight Sweetheart

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Adi and I sat on the beach until sunset, which was a couple of hours. I sat holding my legs and he sat behind me with a leg on each side. His head rested on my shoulder as we watched he waves crash on the side of the beach. Silently listening to the sound of both the waves and the man hugging me, feeling like he would never let go. After sunset he kissed me on the cheek. I felt the nose of Adi linger on my face for a minute and then kiss me again before getting up. Sitting in a fetal position for so long made my foot fall asleep. Adi saw that I was in pain with the pins and needles as my foot was waking up so he carried me princess style back to my house. Half way there my foot woke up completely but I didn't tell Adi. I felt so safe and protected. He let me walk up the stairs to my back patio and my then my mom and dad were home from work. Me and Adi walked in hand in hand.
"Where were you two love birds?" Mom said, laughing under her breath.
Adi and I looked at each other before I motioned to the beach.
"Oh," dad said looking at our hands holding on to each other " I knew this day would come. Well welcome to the family son."
Adi blushed
"Dad come on. Me and Adi aren't married yet."
I felt the heat of Adi's eyes on my face once I said the word yet, thus making me blush.
"Well sir, I am happy to meet you. Your daughter has told me a lot about you. I am happy to spend the summer with your daughter and your wonderful family." Adi said. Keeping a straight face.
"Honey. We are happy to have you. We have heard a lot about you as well." Mom said. "Sweatheart, will you show Adi to the guest bedroom?"
I quickly nodded and then remembered his suitcase is still on the front porch. I walk to the front door opened it and reached to grab it. Only to be interrupted by someone picking me up. I look to see who just moved me and it was Adi.
"What was that for. I can get it for you."
"Babe" his deep voice made this name for me ring in my head " I can get it. The suitcase is just about the size of you."
I am a very petite woman compared to Adi, he was tall with broad shoulders and I'm short, very short. Personally I found it cute. I could get used to me being carried by my boyfriend. Wow. That sounds weird to say, boyfriend.
Soon enough we were standing in the doorway of the room. Slightly smaller than mine the once empty blue bedroom is now occupied by Adi. The closet off to one side, bathroom on the other and bed with night stands on both sides in the middle. I left him to get settled and got my pajamas on, only to revisit Adi, plopping on the bed as Adi put his clothes in the dresser and closet. Once he was done he came and sad next to me. His warm hand sliding into my cold hand.
"Thank you" Adi said softly.
"What did I do?"
"Your beautiful."
"Thank you I guess. I mean. I really didn't do anything special."
After a while of gazing into his eyes, my mom knocked on the door frame.
"Goodnight kiddos"
"Night mom."
"Goodnight ma'am."
This was my cue to also say goodnight to Adi.
"Good night baby!" I said.
His deep voice replied "goodnight sweetheart."
A year ago I would not have believed someone if they told me I would meet Adi, let alone him calling me sweetheart.
I walked to my room, bitting my lip. I heard the soft click of his door close and I smiled, knowing that I would be waking up to Adi tomorrow.

Adi Fishman my boyfriend Where stories live. Discover now