~Chapter Two~

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“Can you pick up some milk on your way home from school?” My mother asked me as I was putting on my shoes, getting ready to leave for my first day at Yosen High School. “Sure thing” I replied, grabbing my school bag off the floor and went for the door. “Thanks again for paying for such an expensive school” I said, looking up at Takahiro. “Don't mention it. Have a good day” He said, with his ever present smile on his face. “I will” I replied, walking outside.

It's been about a week since we moved to Japan, Takahiro taught me what train lines to use and the useful things I needed to know about getting around. It was already the second week into the new school year, already making me more behind the other students. But that shouldn't put me down, not yet anyways.

As I walk towards the near by train station, I look around and see that some of the sakura trees still have some flowers still holding on. “How cute” I said, not watching where I was going. The next thing I knew, was that I was flat on my butt, looking up at an angry garbage man, I stood up quickly and bowed, saying sorry over and over again, “Gomennasai! Gomennasai!” He waved me off and went back to work, looking displeased with me. I quickly scampered off, wondering if I said the proper word for “I'm sorry”. My Japanese still needed improvement.

By the time I got off the train, it was still rather early in the morning, and nobody was around. “Hmm, maybe I woke up too early” I thought to myself, walking towards my new school. As soon as I got to the front gates, I looked up and seen what an amazing school it really was. The pictures in the brochure seriously didn't do it justice. I then took a deep breath and walked towards the front doors. “Ah, Mrs. Kosaka, am I correct?” Asked an older sophisticated looking Japanese lady. “Yes, It's a pleasure to meet you” I said, bowing to her. These Japanese people do a lot of bowing, my back is going to hurt by the end of today, I just know it. “I am the principal of this school. You're father Takahiro and I are close friends, so I thought I'd be nice to show around his new daughter.” She said with a kind smile. “Thank you very much.” I replied, following after her. Then I realized, “You speak very fluent English” I stated. She gave a small chuckle before replying, “Takahiro and I studied at Cambridge University together.” I looked at her in amazement. Now THAT was something I didn't know. “Impressive” I whispered.

She showed me my locker and how we take off our outdoor shoes and slip on different ones before entering the actual building, then she showed me the cafeteria, then the classroom and once our little tour was over, the students started to file in for the day. “At this school, we offer a large variety of Clubs you could join. In your case, I suggest joining one, thought it will add to your work load, It will help you learn Japanese faster and you will also make more friends.” She said. “Thank you, I will definitely think about what one to join” I replied. Then she walked me to my class.

She knocked on the door and went inside, unsure of what to do, I hesitantly followed behind her. I looked around at all the faces looking at me curiously, and smiled. 'First impressions are always the most important.' was something my dad would always tell me. That's something I liked to live by. I looked back to the principal and my homeroom teacher, they were speaking too fast in Japanese for me to understand, then they turned to me. “Please introduce yourself” The principal said to me. I nodded and turned to the class. There was a phrase that Takahiro taught me a while ago when we first met, I believe it said “Nice to meet you, I am Anabelle, Thank you very much”. “Hajimemashite. Watashi wa Anabelle desu. Douzoyoroshiku Onegaishimasu.” I said, giving a ninety-degree bow towards my new classmates. Everyone was silent, and my heart race picked up. Did I say that correctly? Did I just insult everyone? How embarrassing! Then they started chattering happily, some clapped. I stood straight and looked towards the principal. “That was very good. Takahiro taught you well.” She said with a smile.

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