Chasing The Enemy: Meet The Family.

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Macia's POV.

"Macia Dakota Matthews, you wake up this instant or you shall feel the wrath of the hottest brother alive!", Jayden practically screamed into my currently broken ears.

"You idiot, I'm going to go deaf because of you!", I scowled throwing my pillow at my doofus of a brother.

Jayden's chocolate eyes were staring intently at me, his chestnut hair stood up, most likely from the hair gel he was using. He was basically ripped, I guess that's why everyone's scared of my family. Well, what's left of it.

You see, my parents aren't really around anymore. My dad left us when I was born. I mean literally. Right after I was born he took off. Jayden says he legit ran away from the hospital. My mother has been a nervous wreck after that. She took off too when Jayden finished college so now it's just me and Jay-Jay.

"Are you going to keep checking me out or are you going to actually get dressed for your first day of school?" Jay chuckled, getting off of my comfy bed and started to go through my closet, chucking whatever decent he could find right at me.

"Ew. No. Why would I ever check you out, you're my brother. I was just thinking about mom and dad." I murmured, jumping out of my black shirt and shorts and into a navy colored sweater and a bluish-black skater skirt.

Jayden stopped chucking my clothes and froze. I knew I hit a soft spot. Bringing up mom and dad was a sore for Jayden. Unlike me, he actually met my dad and understood what my mother was going through. Jay respected their decisions while I, was not.

"Sorry, I forgot that-".

"No need. I'm over it. Come downstairs for breakfast 'kay?" He voiced, unable to look me in the eye and left my room a mess with no time for me to respond.

I threw on my black converse and skipped into the kitchen. Jay drank his coffee and handed me a granola bar.

"Don't get into trouble today okay? It's the first day, I don't need to enroll you into another school."

I noticed the bags under his eyes. Taking care of a seventeen year old girl was troubling for a twenty-two year old, straight from college. Luckily, Jay landed a job at an Apple Store in a mall.

I don't want the trouble of giving Jay a hard time, I love him. He's all I have left.

"Okay, I'll try my best." I said, trying to lighten the mood. I munched on my yogurt granola bar and headed for the door. Jayden's voice shocked me and I spun on my heels.

"Maciecake, I have a proposal."

"You're getting married?!"

"Oh no, no! I meant an offer, I mean. If you're willing to take it."


"I'll get you that motorcycle you wan-"


"IF. You survive this school until you graduated. You can use it for college."

I pretended to stroke a beard. I really really reeeaaaalllyy wanted a bike, and if that meant that I had to be a goody-two shoes, I would.

"It's on."


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