He nodded. "Even if you wish to have nothing with me, you still need me to survive as I need you." As he came closer, her heart spun out of control. He cupped her face and tilted her head before sinking his teeth into her neck. She didn't remember the effects of him feeding from her being so damn intense. She was enveloped in the sweet intoxicating sensations filling her body.

When he finished and pulled back, she felt empty. But before he could move too far, her hand moved to the back of his neck and stopped him. For the longest, they stared at each other before she pulled him close and bit his neck, almost moaning from pure bliss when his sweet blood pervaded her mouth.

As she fed, the pain threteaning to devour her vanished, replaced the a sweet electricity that made her crave more. After her thirst for blood was fulfilled, she did not step away. His arms around her waist didn't let go either.

Forcing back the tears, she let him go and he did as well, not meeting her gaze. It almost felt as if they were finally ending their relationship. From now on, she was certain she would never again drink from the vein, but from a cup filled with his blood.

For the next days, Fane spent it with the rest of the leaders trying to come up with the best plan. Even though he was extremely busy trying to put an end to Katherine, he still managed to squeeze a couple of minutes to spend with their twins.

At the moment, Belinda and her friends were in the garden with the twins, enjoying the morning breeze. Belinda sat on a bench and inhaled the beautiful fragrances of the flowers, listening to the birds chirping. The girls were speaking amongst themselves in a whisper, as if they didn't want Belinda to hear. She stood with a Bexley in her arms; Kesha had Grayson.

"What's going on?"

Everyone fell silent.

"What are you keeping from me?"

Keisha met her gaze. "Niko forbid all pack members from telling you."

"But you are an Alpha, are you not?"

Keisha looked away. "They left to attack Katherine."

Belinda's heart skipped a beat. "But—Fane wouldn't leave without saying goodbye."

"He didn't tell you because if he would have, you would have wanted to go as well."

"I could have helped them, we all could."

Kassie shook her head. "You would have gotten in the way. You are still a young vampire. If you would have gone, Fane would have been distracted, trying to make sure you were not harmed."

"Still...I should have been informed of what the plan was."

"We are all worried," Keisha said. "It is terrifying knowing my husband is in battle and...and it doesn't help my worry that he decided to leave his Beta behind just in case he didn't return."

"But what can we do? It is best for us to stay here," said Kassie. "It would have been a foolish decision for all warriors to leave. Then, everyone else—woman, children and elders—would have been powerless against a surprised attack."

Belinda started at her child in her arms. "You're right." She returned to the bench, but this time, she couldn't concentrate in the relaxing sounds of the beautiful forest. All she could think was Fane and everyone else in the mist of battle with their enemy.

"When did they leave?" She didn't recall seeing Fane at all yesterday. "When are they supposed to return?"

The girls glanced at each other; Keisha had actually tears streaming down her face. She inhaled and met Belinda's gaze. In her eyes, Belinda could see the answer to her question. The men were supposed to be back already. An acute pain enveloped her heart as she tried her best to not break down and cry. Crying wouldn't help their mates and everyone else.

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