Touko:"He seems alright, he obviously is trained, even though considering the fact that he might be the same age as me..."

It almost felt weird, like her daily life is about to suddenly all change, as if it won't seem as boring from now on.

Footsteps could be heard. Touya then arrived back and with a tray of food, warm and ready to be consumed.

Touya:"Here you go."

He gently placed the tray on a table next to her bed that had a clean jug of water.

But there was one slight problem. One that often occurred.

Touko was twiddling with her fingers. Touko:"Umm... uh."

Touya noticed she wasn't touching her food and got a little worried.

Touya:"Is there something wrong? You haven't ate a thing."

She was embarrassed to say.
Touko:"Has anyone told you...?"

Touya, who visibly started showing more concern, "is there something I need to know?"

Touko:"I-I can't really feed myself so... could you...
Please feed me?" She said timidly whilst trying to hide the red on her face. She had thought one of the staff have already spoke about this to him and that she didn't need to be direct herself.
After all, it would be dangerous for her to touch the utensils.

Upon hearing this, Touya just stared at her but soon let off a slight giggle.

Touko looked over to him. She gave a small pout.

Touko:"What's so funny?"

Touya:"Heheh, it's just that you're really shy, were you like this with you're previous doctor?"

Touko:"N-no. She was a really nice lady, it felt okay to be comfortable around her. I remember her name being... Dr. Black.

Touya went silent, he knew who she was talking about... his own moth-

Touko took notice of his blank stare, "Are you okay?"

Touya:"huh? Oh yes. Anyway..."

He grabbed a bowl of soup and a spoon, scooping the contents little by little, cooling it down.


Touko opened her mouth to which Touya fed her the soup.

Touko:"Thank you." She said with a smile.

That smile... It was cute.

Touya:"She seems happy."

He shrugged it off and continued feeding Touko. During this, they had a short conversation, having some jokes which made them laugh and they learnt a little about each other but also kept it professional at the same time. In the middle of  Touko eating, some of the soup got on her cheek by accident. She's always been a messy eater.

Touya:"Oh, let me get that..."

He leaned his hand forward and grasped her cheek to wipe the excess soup, the feeling of her cheek... Touya thought to himself:

Touya:"So... soft, clear but so... cold?"

He was in a daze, realising how lifeless her condition made her.

Touko:"Umm, hello? Dr. Touya?"

When hearing his name, he snapped out and soon came to the realisation that his hand was still attached to her face.

Touya:"ha, sorry."

He got really embarrassed so he tried to let go of her face but it wasn't until Touko held onto his hand, not removing it from its position.

Touko:"You're hand... it's so warm." Not helping but to give another warm smile to compliment.

Touya looked directly at her, face tinted with red. It was soon even that he had to snap out of it, again.

She was so beautiful but then he realised this was wrong. He was working after all. He quickly let go.

Touya:"Ummm, a-anyway lets finish your meal and then I have to sort out these papers in my binder. Heh." He laughed awkwardly at the end.

Touko:"Oh, Okay..."

Time skip

Touko was finished with her food so Touya cleared up.

After a meal, Touko was ready to go to sleep, she was tired after all. It was Touya job to look over her, implying he had to stay in the room while she slept.

Touya looked over to Touko and her sleeping face.

Touya:"I don't know, when I'm too close to you... I feel my chest hurting. Are you contagious? No, they would've told me by now."

A spark?

So your sickness isn't communicable, what is it?" He said as he removed some of her hair from her eyes.

Just as he was talking to himself he saw the door open. To his surprise it was Dr. Black.

Touya:"Mum!... I mean Dr. Black."

Dr. B:"Haha, I see Touko is doing well. Such a sweetheart isn't she."

Touya:"How long have you been taking care of her?"

Dr. B:"Many years now, I remember her being the first patient I saw."

Touya:"She's been here for that long?"

Dr. B:"Yes... it's really sad. She never spends time with her family, not to mention they stopped visiting her after a while. So do you your best to make sure she is healthy, physically and mentally."

Touya looked over at Touko, now just noticing that Touko had been holding onto Touya's hand in her sleep right close to her face the whole time.

Not thinking anything of it. He looked back at his co-worker. Touya looked determined.

Touya:"I'll put everything I've learnt from medical school to make sure she is well, don't worry mum - I mean Dr. Black!"

Dr. B:" haha, anyway I have other patients to attend to. Oh, and Touya, remember..."


Dr. B:"She is your patient and nothing else. You got that?" She said sternly.

Touya:"Y-yes ma'am..."

Dr. B:"Good but I obviously don't need to tell you that, ha." She then exists and closes the door behind her.


Art by luoqin on tumblr 💗

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