Kassie stood. "I feel like there is something you're not telling us."

"I want you both to be honest with me." She glanced at Kassie. "Do you truly love Abraham?"

Kassie didn't hesitate. "Yes."

Now, Zaeley addressed Belinda. "Do you love Fane?"

Belinda's checks grew warm. "Y-Yes." Although, how could she be certain she did? How would she able to tell the difference between lust and truly being in love with someone?

She had no experience at all.

Zaeley smiled. "Good...I'm trusting both of you to take this secret to you tomb." After they both nodded, Zaeley seeemed lost for a moment before glancing at both of them. "There is another way."

Now, Kassie smiled. "There is?"

"Your blood."

Pin-drop silence.

"This is a joke, right?" Kassie seemed in complete disbelief like Belinda. "I'm human—my blood is nothing special."

"It has been kept a secret for centuries because of the events that occurred long ago...Chosen ones were sacrificed so that human leaders could live for eternity...both chosen ones."

Belinda's eyes widened as she stared into the distance. "Is that why no one came personally to claim their mate?"

Zaeley nodded. "When we realized what was happening, everyone was forbidden from stepping a foot in any human owned territory."

"So," Kassie began. "In order to not age, I would have to drink my blood mixed with Abraham's?" Her nose wrinkled up in disgust. "Fane gave me some of his blood last time and—yeah, it didn't taste good at all."

Zaeley chuckled. "Never said it would."

Belinda's eyes narrowed. "Is it supposed to taste repulsive to a human? When Fane fed me his blood...I liked it." Now, they both stared at her. "What? I'm being honest...I was surprised it tasted pretty good."

"Girl, you're weird," Kassie said before wrapping an arm around Belinda and smiling. "But don't you worry, I still love you."

After putting all of her clothes in the closet of her new bedroom, Belinda called her parents. Of course, they agreed just like everyone else that it was safer for her to be in the cabin.

Zaeley had told them that she was working on getting them a safe house but it would take a couple of days. Until then, it was best for them to be protected as well so there would be guards all around the house, which they didn't like at all.

Unfortunately, Belinda didn't get to join her classmates in the graduation. Right now, she sat on the sofa, staring at the wood burning in the fireplace.

She truly had wished she could be part of it, but her enemies would have probably tried to harm her, which would have resulted in many getting hurt.

She wouldn't be able to endure such guilt.

After she stood, she headed outside and walked to the back of the cabin, where she had a magnificent view of the wooded area that seemed never ending. The sun at the horizon spread a beautiful blend of oranges and reds across the sky.

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