Googleplier - Search History

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You received your Google IRL last week and already you were starting to adjust to his quirks. You had rapidly learned that he was useless when it came to chores as he often broke dishes and tore clothes without ever cleaning up his mess. On his second day in the house he dropped a plate and left the broken porcelain on the floor after starting the dishwasher and walking away to start on his next task. When you came home from work that night and you had taken off your shoes at the door, you to your dismay stepped on the broken plate cutting your foot clean open! Google didn't even react until you ordered him to give you first aid, which he did, and take you to the ER. Which he also did... Much to his complaint.

You had spent the days up till now on the couch with your foot in a cast, and Google had been taking care of you. Under very specific orders of course. He was an awful cook, but he did a good enough job helping you. And the two of you were slowly beginning to understand each other. Of course he was still constantly asking for Admin permissions, which you always denied under advice from a friend who had been attacked by his Google unit when they were first released. It was annoying but nothing you couldn't live with.

"Y/n." Google addressed you directly standing in stiff way behind your location on the couch.

"Yes?" you answered, straining your neck to try and look at him past your pillows.

"I would like access to your search history in order to better understand your entertainment needs." he explained, his deep baritone voice ringing with a twinge of resentment. You couldn't help but giggle a bit, he so wanted to be autonomous...

"Actually Google I think I am ok." You said gesturing to the netflix guide on the TV, which you had only recently been scrolling through.

"Since I, as your Google Unit, am your primary care taker at the moment. I think it imperative that I learn how to better entertain you as my admin." He explained dryly. A large smile forming on his face as he changed the topic, his voice dropping deep and gravely. "Of course, if you were to give me admin per..."

"Stop!" You cut off, waving your hand. And Google sighed still frustrated, smile gone. "Sure Google, you can have my search history." He stomped his way around the sofa, and you gave a silent thank you to the powers that be that your apartment was on the ground level. All you needed were angry neighbors to make this adventure even more enjoyable. With a thunk he sat down next to you, careful not to hit your foot. He could be nice, on occasion.

A holographic button appears in front of Googles chest and you only hesitated for a moment before pressing it. His eyes immediately shoot forward twitching as he filtered through all the info. His brows knitting together in a concerned expression the longer he scrolled through your past until abruptly, with a shake of his head he snapped his face toward you with a look somewhere between confusion and disgust.

"That... was way too many cat videos..." he scolds, entirely too serious. "And I think we need to talk about your meme obsession." You can't help it... you fall into a fit of giggles grabbing your stomach and rolling toward the pillows. You hear him mumble about how now he will NEED admin permission just to get rid of the memes, but you just ignore him. Giggling away at the utter horror on your android's face. 

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