Hate to admit the truth.

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Italics - Milo
Bold - Kai
Bold Italics - Kendra


"Will you take a second to calm down and chill??!"

"Firstly, you used the words calm and chill in the same sentence, when they mean the same thing?"

"Why does that matter?"

"Don't question my logic. One thing you'll know, never question Milo Evangelista when you pour chai latte on him."

"Now you're just bulling with me now. When did I pour latte on you?"

" Three days ago. "

" Exactly! Don't dwell on the past."

"... fine"

"Are you guys done being cute yet?"

"He ain't cute the fu**" 


"Excuse me? I'm the embodiment of cute thank you very much."

"Since when?"

"Since the day I popped out of my mama."


"Pedro, Bitches are dogs. Dogs bark. Bark is on trees. Trees are a part of mother nature. Mother nature is beautiful. Thanks for calling me beautiful!"

Milo walks away...

"I wont deny that so."

"Oh ma gahd yass!!! Ma ship is sailing!"

"You need to see someone."
"You need to get a pair before someone takes him away! End of discussion."

"I don't think of him that way."

"Shut up Closet Boy."

"Why're you so retarded?"

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