How To Join The Walrus Cult

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To join walrus cult, one must prove their worth. You must complete a series of tasks for your Joining Trial.
Before beginning the trial ask in the comments, "Can I join?" If I reply, your Joining Trial begins.

-•Tasks of Joining Trial:•-
Task #1: Proof of Walrus
First, you must post a image/picture of you. Yes, you. If you are truly a walrus, this is something you can accomplish, easily. Put it in a book, and tag me.
Task #2: Knowledge of Walrus
Next, I will ask you a question. Simple. If you answer it correctly, you move on to Task #3.
Task #3: Accomplishments
After, you must tell your greatest accomplishment. Only great walruses can join the almighty Walrus Cult.
Task #4: Role Test
Because you understand Walrus Cults so well, you must choose your role. [ROLES: Deputy, Healer, Spy, Cub-Watcher, Watchdog, Guard, Fighter, Hunter.]
Task #5: Naming Ceremony
If you made it this far, it's time for you to earn your great name. I will choose your name and bestow it before thy.

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