Bio: She a witch. But she doesn't use her magic all the time her mother she truly hates despises her for her rudeness she puts towards her mother

Edward and Emma Marth

Pets: None at the moment of time Adam who us a cat

Likes: she loves flowers, cooking, cleaning, and preparing she always organized

Dislikes: How there so much to do as she works on planning for her Clients and pranks

Fears: Spiders, Heights, when the wedding she plans is Ruin. and getting fired

Friends/Relationships: tyler her child hood friend and roomate

Garroth: her love interest but never dated him but she likes him

Lucinda: well their more like sister to sister


She works as a Wedding planner.  She always gets home around midnight. She doesn't talk to Lucinda for a while

Phoenix Drop high version one ~
Name: Lily Marth

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearances: original

Personality: Happy cheerful, and some what calm in any situation

Crush: Laurence

Bio: Lily grew up with Tyler, yet with that.. she did put a curse.. her childhood she was abused my her father, yet he was in jail now that she a teenager. Though she only lives with her mother she doesn't want anything to do with guys til Laurence asked her out.
Edward Age Fourty five, Father.

Emma Age fourty one. Mother
Likes: she loves flowers, cooking, cleaning, and preparing she always organized

Dislikes:  pranks

Fears: Spiders, Heights.


tyler: Her best friend who well likes to Abused her all the time he only does it when Lily lies to him.

Garroth: She never gotten to know him until Laurence let them meet

Laurence: her boyfriend since well in her freshmen year laurence gotten dared to asked her out.

Travis: She knows him since he is in her Witchcraft class. But he tends to flirt with her alot surprising he isn't scared of her

Katelyn: her friend from Middle school, but she doesn't talk to her anymore.

Aphmau: Her online friend she talks to but she saw her in Witchcraft class.


She has been a loner for most of her life.

She is pretty shy once you meet her. 

She is allergic to Dogs and Frogs.

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