Chapter 1

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I awoke with a CRASH of plates and pans coming from the kitchen. It was probably Amy trying to make breakfasts and she ALWAYS does! This was because the other 7 of us are just TOO damn lazy on Sundays. 

I got up and headed downstairs to Amy to see what she was up to now...And I swear I did hear a skype call taking place because I knew that none of the others were up and Amy isn't THAT mad of a girl to be talking to herself. Being her BEST friend I knew that much about her at least.

I quietly creeped into the kitchen and screamed "BOO!" Lets just say I scared the LIFE out of her.

"When did you wake up?" She asked confused after a few minuits of me digging into the frige for food because I could see she was trying to make pancakes and.....They had.....BURNT to crisp. I slowly walked past her to the counter and placed down the random food items on it and looked up to see she was skyping Phil (or should I say her "SECRET BOYFRIEND.....WHO EVERYBODY KNEW ABOUT!" WELL IF IT WASN'T OBVIOUSSSS!)....Should have known April....should have known.....

Then I realised I was still in my Pjs still.....Meh! I dont care! Im at home! Its not like im doing anything special today anyways!?! 

To that I grabbed the plateful of food and pranced up the stairs walking past Trisha's room and peeking in to her talking to Chris over skype....I went past all the rooms observing what my lovely friends were doing this morning....And I thought they were all asleep!  I gathered all the resulsts and I found out as I say Trisha was talking to Chris (Crabstickz), Maisy was talking to this guy called Damon (Deefizzy), Andrea and Sabita were sleeping, Rachel was talking to Alex (Nerimon) and Julian was taking to Dan (Danisnotonfire).

Well who would have known Id have been SO wrong about what my friends were actually doing with thier lives.....I walked back into my room , which by the was was COVERED in Doctor who posters, drawings, paintings and mint condition figurines....well aren't I a nerd?! , and into the bathroom to  I get dressed into something more appealing to the eye.

I wore a white cable knit jumper with a black coller paired with black jeans, converses, wings necklace and earings, a dragon ring, a leather bracelet and a baige beanie. I thought I looked acceptable at the very least. 

Then, I made my way back downstairs to the living room and swiched on the TV hoping something good was on. Flipping though ALL......I say "ALL".....nah it was probably about um.....15?... channels I realised  NOTHING good was on other than Adventure Time, so I sat and watched that until something poped thorugh the letter-box.  I knew nobdy else would get it so I stumbled my way to the letter box and picked up the letter.

It was weird because the letter looked VERY different to normal letters...I mean I know all letters are white and everything but this letter was was ....BLUE! This letter had MANY stamps all over it. The weird thing was it was named to the whole of Awesome Sauce Productions (The whole group of girls) I opened it and what I found inside the letter gave me a heart attack........

I freaked out and screamed at the top of my voice "GUYS DOWNSTAIRS NOW!!! YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT WE JUST GOT THROUGH THE POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

 Rachel, Janine, Sabita and Amy came as quick as they could.....Trisha and Micky tooke a bit longer and Andrea took the most time....she just doesn't like losing her BEAUTY SLEEP....

Anyways on to the letter.....It had the BBC logo at the top showing with a © (Copyright symbol) so it was balatently obvious that it was from the BBC and I read out loud...

Hello girls at Awesome Sauce house,

We know that some of you at the house LOVE Doctor Who so we have set up a little trip for you guys!

Us (The BBC) would like you to come and visit Doctor Who studios for 1 month. During this month you will be able to venture your way  to every single nook and cranny of the sudios, meet the cast of Doctor Who and be able to help write, edit and direct some scenes for new upcoming episodes! We hope you would like to take this oppotunity to meet the crew who make up Doctor Who and be able to know how we make other shows like it. 

You will need to be at Doctor Who studios on the 1st of November at 1 pm with the passes given in the envelope if you want to be able to accept this opportunity!

Yours Faithfully


I heard Sabita crying for joy because for the FIRST TIME she got to MEET Matt Smith.......Janine looked a bit too happy and Rachel was quite excited and the same with Amy. Trisha didn't seem too bothered and nor did Andrea but I guess it was because thet didnt like Doctor who in the first place...

OH WELL! BAD FOR THEM!! THEY WONT GET TO MEET MY MOST FAVOURITE PERSON ON EARTH!.....I know Sabita will be REALLY annoying about him when we get there cuz she will go on about how she likes him more...BLAHBLAHBLAHHHHHHHHHHH....There is a DIFFERENCE between THE DOCTOR and MATT SMITH!

 But ANYWAYS...that aside....I passed the letter to Janine and dashed upstairs to my room to pack cloths for the trip...EVEN is only a week away!


*Yo guys! I love writing this right now....hopefully I wont procrastinate as much with this story than I have done with the others...Sorry if I do and keep you waiting...*

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