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"Tell me what happened.... please?"

"Do you have a six?" Khila questions me while looking at her cards.

"Gold fish." I laugh a little.

"Nigga.... did you just say gold fish?" Etan looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Um yes because that's what you're suppose to say while playing gold fish." I squint my eyes at him then roll them. It's quite for a second then Etan, Amir, and Khila start laughing like I'm some type of joke.

"Sitra, the game is called 'Go fish' not 'Gold fish' who told you it was Gold fish?" Khila can't contain her laughter.

"No who told y'all it's Go fish because it's not." A small smile starts to spread across my lips as my three best friends laugh at me.

"It isn't though... Khila please tell you're sister." Amir holds his stomach like me saying Gold fish instead of Go fish is the funniest thing he's ever heard.

"Why the fuck are you guys even here? I thought you were going to Makels what happened to that?" I roll my eyes and gather the cards from all of them.

"They canceled the party and Makel said he's gonna work." Etan answers. Etan and Amir both are as high as the clouds right now. Amirs eyes barley even look open and Etan looks like he has a really bac case of double pink eye.

"So I meant to ask you... wassup with you and my cousin?" Amir raises his eyebrows at Kihla.

"Your cousin who?" Khila tries to play dumb.

"My brother his cousin you know... Makel." Etan interjects.

"Thanks for clearing that up Etan." Khila glares at Etan.

"Anytime." Etan smile and lays back on the floor.

"Anyways what's up? Like I heard y'all is talking." Amir runs his hands over his face and leans against my bed.

"Nothing actually. He hit me up and asked how I was doing then invited me to some party and I told him I couldn't go." Khila shrugs still trying to play it cool.

"Khila, you know I like you right like you know this right?" Amir widens his eyes and his lips set apart a little.

"I didn't actually I thought you were still fucking with Asani so...." Khila raises her bushy yet perfectly arched eyebrow.

"You know damn well that was over a long ass time ago." Amir takes his hair down runs his fingers through a few times then puts it back up. Something we've all noticed he only does when he's sad or angry.

"Well I've heard other wise. Asani told me herself that you've been trying to get back with her." Khila licks her lips and cracks her neck.

"You actually listened to that hoe?" Amir chuckles. "She's a liar."

"Can we just drop it? I really don't feel like talking about this right now." Khila grabs her book bag and starts digging through it.

"No, the fuck? You out here listening to everyone except me and it's not fair." Amir sounds like he might start to cry or something. I hate when stuff like this happens, when Amir and Khila start to argue and it starts to get all emotional. I feel like I'm a kid watching my parents fight and there's nothing I can do about it. Just sit and watch quietly almost covering my eyes when one of them raises a hand like they might lay a hand. I have to pick up Khilas pieces after Amir gets to mad and Etan has to do the same with Amir because  he's realizing that all he does is fuck up.

"You wanna know what's not fair? That you do whatever the fuck you want and expect me to be some dumb bitch that does whatever you say. That's what all your friends think right? Khila, just some dumb bitch that Amir can treat anyway."

"No one thinks that." Amir mumbles.

"Say it a little louder! Let me hear you lie through your fucking teeth! I'm not dumb." Khila stops digging through her book bag and slams her hands down on the floor. Her voice cracks a little and I can tell she's about to cry and so can everyone else.

"Why don't we all go get something to eat?" Etan stretches a little and tries to smile.

"I'm not hungry." Khila stands from the spot on my floor and leaves and almost like magic Amir follows. Any other day I would have told them to sit right back down but when me and Khila got here my dad wasn't home.... thank God.

"Is Amir still talking to Asani?" I question Etan with a serious tone.

"No he's not actually... Asani was trying to get back with him he he told her no straight up." Etan reaches in his pocket pulls out a joint and lights it.

"Why can't they just get along or just stop talking to each other? Why don't they realize they aren't good for each other?" I grab a hair tie of my nightstand and pull my curls out of my face.

"I guess they feel like they have something to fight for..."

"What is there to fight for? They're in some stupid high school relationship it's not like they have kid's or anything."

"Love is worth fighting for..."

"Love doesn't exist." I spit with a venomous tone. I didn't mean for it to come out like that but it does and I don't regret it because it's the truth. Etan and I stay quite for a little over two minutes just listening to Amir and Khila argue  until Etan breaks the silence.

"Yo can I ask you something, Sitra?"

"Yeah sure." I shrug as I start shuffling my deck of cards.

"Where's your mom? I know it's none of my business but I haven't seen her since last year." Etan take a deep inhale then looks away.

"She went to-"

"Don't lie to me okay like seriously. Tell me what happened.... please?"

"Okay she um.... she left... no one knows where the fuck she's at. She left us one night and didn't even have the common decency to tell me, her only child goodbye." I feel my blood starting to boil I side me like water in a pot on a hot stove.

"Why?" Etan sounds like he's talking to an injured animal and he's trying not to frighten it.

"I guess she couldn't take the stress of being a parent any longer. Or maybe she was tired of living in the hood and ran off with that banker or whatever he is. If I'm being honest I think both are true."

"She'll come back... don't stress yourself." Etan smiles at me trying to make me feel better I guess but I know he's wrong. My mom is never coming back and now I'm trapped with my piece of ass step dad.

"No she's not, Etan. She's never gonna come back and I don't even want her too."

×Heyy so I hope you guys like this lil piece of   ass story and I'm gonna change the cover soon so wait on it 💞💞

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