-Chapter XIII-

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*Draco Malfoy POV*

I closed my book and set it down on the side table next to me, as people filed into the Slytherin common room. I caught a glance as Blaise Zabini and he nodded at me. He knew what to do. I went up to my dorm and got out a bag. In it I put a couple bottles of butter beer, my wand, and a black jacket. I heard the door open and Blaise came in, also carrying a bag.

"Hey, I got some of those Bombtastic Bombs the Weasels were selling."  He said tossing one in the air and catching it.

"Are you an idiot..." I said and took it from him. I chucked it out the window and heard a very loud 'boom'. 

"Bloody-" Blaise said running a hand over his head. "Draco you know I'm going to get blamed for this now! Snape saw me buy it." 

"That's not my problem Zabini." I said throwing my bag over my shoulder and walking out of the dorm. I heard him yell something on my way out, but wasn't sure what it was. 

Probably something along the lines of 'I'm going to kill you Malfoy' I smirked and walked down the stairs to the common room where everyone was waiting to leave. 

"DRAAACOOOO." I heard a familiar, annoying voice call. I frowned as Pansy slid around my arm. I immediately stepped away and pointed my wand at her chest.

"Parkinson," I muttered in her ear, "Don't touch me." 

I stuck my wand deep in my pocket and faced the group that was coming.

"You know we could get in trouble for this, and I could tell a teacher and all of you'd get expelled!" Gemma said crossing her arms.

"Just because your a prefect doesn't mean you won't get in trouble for coming too Gemm." Marcus Flint said winking at her. She just rolled her eyes as Marcus wrapped an arm around her.

"Oh please, get a room." Astoria said. She was sitting next to Briar, who'd been reading this entire time. I looked at her briefly, before Blaise came back down and we all went up to the secret exit through the castle. 

*Briar Haven POV* 

In total there were about eight of us, Astoria Greengrass, Marcus and Gemma, Pansy Parkinson, Draco, Blaise, a guy named Theodore Nott, and a few other boys I didn't know. The couple, as everyone called Marcus and Gemm, were up front of the group holding hands, the rest of the boys were half walking, half wrestling each other. Pansy and Astoria were fantasizing over Draco, although Astoria wasn't so obvious about it.  I was following everyone else, just looking at the stars.

I brought my broom with me. I bought it at Hogsmeade at the beginning of the year and learned to ride. I mounted it and flew up into the air, feeling the night breeze trickle through my hair. I looked down at the group. Draco I noticed was walking off to the side. I rode down and hovered next to him.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." I replied quietly compared to the rest of us.

"When'd you learn to fly?"

"Oh, I taught myself at the beginning of the year." It was now nearing Winter.

He chuckles and opens his bag. I get off the broomstick and walk beside him, but he pulls one out of his bag. I just stared in amazement. 

How did a giant broom fit inside that small bag? I thought still staring. Draco seemed to know what I was thinking.

"Its charmed so it looks twenty times smaller than it actually is." He laughed.

"Well?" I said mounting my broom, "Race ya!" I pushed off the ground and hover around fifteen feet in the air  waiting for him to catch up. Then all I see is him zooming past me in a rush of grey. 

"Hey no fair!" I yelled to him, and raced after.

I caught up with him since he slowed down. I was out of breath. He laughed and sat sideways on his broom, facing me.

"You think you can beat the slytherin chaser?" He laughed and took out two bottles from his bag. "Here, its butter beer." he said handing me one.

"Butter beer?" I questioned. 

"Don't worry Bri, its legal to drink as a minor." He laughed.

"Bri? Really." I said taking a drink. "mmmm. Ok that makes up for the stupid nickname."

He just laughed at me again and took a drink of his own. 

"You don't like it Haven? Maybe I'll just call you 'ar' instead." 

"Shut up." I muttered, finishing the bottle and handing it back to him.

"incendio." he said and the glass began to melt slowly out of his hand. 

"Everyone's on the roof waiting for us, we should go." I said, but he grabbed my hand.

"wait." He said. not letting go. I stared into his misty gray eyes. "Briar. I- I wanted to say..." He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak, but a giant burst of light erupted two feet away. I immediately flew backwards out of surprise and fear. My broom jerked back again, making me lose balance. I fell down, only holding onto the stick with one hand, I grabbed on with the other but my broom took the new weight as a signal to go back wards. So it jerked back again, making both of my hands slip. I looked down and saw a flash of grey past me. I was falling. The ground got closer as the flash past me again. I felt the bristles of a broom brush my arm. I screamed for help, that was all I could to. I didn't know magic, I couldn't use a potion to save myself. I closed my eyes. My broken body hit the earth. I heard screaming... Screaming.

*oh crap did i just write that?* 

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