The girl in his dreams

Start from the beginning

Her voice changes, to a deep male voice and he recognize it instantly. He snapped his eyes opened and his back from the reality, in front of him was his professor who was glaring at him.

"I know that you're smart and you're the top of my class but I think sleeping while I'm discussing something in my class is inappropriate, Hitsugaya-kun." Mr. Komamura, his history professor, said to him.

"I sorry." Toushiro muttered.

"Just don't let that happened again."

Toushiro watched his professor shoot his last glare to him and went back to the front of their room and start discussing again. He took a deep sigh and touches his cheek. He can still feel her pressure in it, the warm feeling he can't helped but to adore. Things are getting weirder everyday for him. First, she often show in his dreams and now he can feel her as if she was real.


"Why are you sleeping in the class earlier? Haven't you sleep well last night?"

Someone asked him while they're eating his lunch at the university cafeteria. Toushiro looked at his best friend, her strawberry blonde hair that usually on loose is now kept into a messy bun.

"I'm just bored, Matsumoto." He tells her.

Matsumoto frowned slightly to him and said, "Anyway, I'm going to introduce someone to you."

Toushiro raised his brow to her and said, "Who's she this time?"

Rangiku grinned to him and said, "You know me too well."

Of course, he knew her too well. They've been best of friends since high school. Most of the people thought that they have some sort of romantic relationship but they just have a mere friendship that has a silent agreement that to watch each others back and give each other a hand if he/she falls. But, of course, with a voluptuous body that Matsumoto possess, any guy would fall in love with her instantly but not Hitsugaya Toushiro.

He also knew that she's trying to get some girls for him. She tells him one day, about her "Rangiku Matsumoto's matchmaking mission" and he totally disagree. He could get a girl on his own if he wanted to but he haven't seen the right one yet and he's not rushing things. But due to Matsumoto's stubbornness about finding him a girlfriend, he couldn't helped himself but to comply into his best friend's crazy matchmaking just to shut her up.

"Wait for me here, I'm going to get her." Matsumoto tells him as she wink at the same time.

He watched his best friend went out of the cafeteria. He sigh and close his eyes again, leaving his food behind. He's hoping to see the girl in his dreams again.

"We're back!"

Toushiro opened his eyes and he saw his Matsumoto marching towards him, dragging a petite girl behind her. When they've reached him, Matsumoto offered her sit to the girl and leaned forward to Toushiro to whisper something.

"Her name is Hinamori Momo." She says.

He nodded to her and Matsumoto waved her goodbye. "Have fun you, two. Enjoy!" She sing sang as she went out again to the cafeteria.

Toushiro looked at the girl in front of him, her hair is tied into a bun with a blue cloth securing it. She has an angelic face who he thinks couldn't harm anyone even they've hurt her. She has a brown eyes that compliments her brown hair.

"My name is Hitsugaya Toushiro."

"Hinamori Momo." She introduces herself to him, a soft smile playing on her lips.

"Uhmm, sorry about Matsumoto..." Toushiro started.

The brown hair waved her hand frantically and said, "No! No! I mean, I'm glad that she talks to me... I also wanted to talk to you..."

The girl in his dreamsWhere stories live. Discover now