SideKick head ass.

Start from the beginning

We have a crowed of people surrounding us that go to our school.

"Yeah you right best friend. She's also mad because neither Melo or Zo liked her but they like me." Metri said.

"Metri you see she bout a pair of Jordan's."

Yeah them ugly ass true flights." Metri said lauging.

"Hey we can't all look Metri Isabella. It's okay though we all go through jealousy it's apart of life." I said wiping my face like I was crying. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to my conversation with my boyfriend and Metri has to get back with yours." I sai being petty. "I mean you ex-boyfriend my bad once again I just forget that your single now."

Isabella huffs away and her little side kicks follow her like little puppies.

"Guess she can't handle the truth." Metri said looking at me.

"Tragic." I say and we both sit down laughing.

"I never thought I could laugh so hard." Melo said literally wiping his tears.

"I mean she really thought she was gonna talk to my best friend like that. She really thought ..."

"I just wanna know how you dated her for a whole year like Gelo come on now." I asked.

"I asked him the same question everyday." Zo said shaking his head.

"Chill out." Gelo said laughing. "But Metri can I talk to you outside real quick?"

"Uh yeah sure." She said looking me an I just raised my eyebrows and shrugged.

They walked outside and my eyes followed them.

"If he dont ask her out I will actually go crazy." I said. "They've already been on 4 dates since Gelo and Isabella broke up a month ago."

"You girls don't know how nerve racking it is to ask a girl out." Zo said. "What if she said no and you made a big deal about it? Then you just got rejected in front of everyone."

"Hey guys." Metri said. Gelo had his arms around her her shoulder.

"New couple on the block." Gelo said kissing her cheek.

"Finally!" I said. "Let's go we still haven't finished homework."

I drove back to the house and we greeted by a whole camera crew.

"Uh dad what going on?" Melo asked.

"ESPN wants to do a hour show with us for next months show so there going to follow us around I guess." Lavar said looking confused himself.

"Oh aight cool. We're going outside." Gelo said grabbing a basketball off the couch.

"Do you mind if we get some clips?" A reporter asked.

"That's cool." Gelo said . We all walked outside.

"Zo where you got them moccasins? They fye." I said ripping on his shoes.

"Don't hate on the swag young bull." He said taking a shot and making it.

"Kaylee come cuddle with me." Melo said. He was sitting on a lawn chair by the pools.

He had his legs open and I wrapped my legs around his waist. (if you understand what I'm trying to say lemme know lol.)

"Kaylee." I heard Melo says. I looked up see Melo was recording me.

"Oh my god Melo stop!" I say covering my face. Right now I looked rough. My hairs in a weird bun and my eyebrows aren't on. Even if my eyebrows are arched they're just to light.

"You cute babe chill." He said.

He showed me the video and the first like 8 seconds of it was me just typing on my phone and then I looked up and smiled and that's where it cut off.

"Don't post that." I said. I didn't actually care if he posted it . I just wanted to start a fight with him.

"Why?" He said hovering his finger over the send button on Snapchat.


"Great reason. I'm posting it Kaylee." He said and clicked the button.

"LaMelo (does anyone know his middle name?) Ball!" I said.

"That's my name." He said.

"I can't believe you actually posted that what the-" I was cut off by him kissing me.

We've kissed before of course but they were short and innocent. This one was longer and got a little more intense.

"Okay Melo get some then!" I hear making us break our kiss.

Wr turned to see everyone was looking our way and so where the cameras.

"Oh my god y'all need to mind y'all damn business." Melo said.

"Well y'all are basically having sex in the open. It's kinda hard not to look." Metri said.

"No sex is going on over here. Virgin Kaylee is still a thing."

"Virgin Kaylee?" Zo said.

"You people forget I'm only a freshman and I will be a virgin until marriage." I say looking at Melo.

"Hey don't looked at me. We've already had this conversation i understand no sex." He said raising his hands in surrender.

"See why can't you boys be like Melo?" Metri said.

"I may not be a virgin but I wouldn't pressure you into having sex." Gelo said.

"Okay we should stop talking about sex it's getting kinda weird yo." I said.

"Let's play horse."

"Yeah. Imma beat all you hoes." I said.

"Lies." Melo said.

Haters haters haters.


One of three updates today. Did y'all see my baby daddy shirtless on the gram today and yesterday? Oml I didn't think a anything could top him being in that red polo and black pants but damn.

But I also don't know if he has abs because he's skinny or because he works out. Y'all tell me what you think.

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