"Or, maybe this'll jog your memory." He threw the folded up piece of paper at Colby. It ricocheted off his chest and bounced on the floor, turning on it's side. Keeping his eyes on all four of them, he stood, bent over to pick up the piece of paper, unfolded it and read it.

This certifies that,

Aiden Lee Joseph Lopez,

was born to Leighla Paige Lopez and Colby Daniel Lopez

on December 18th, 2005 at 01:37.

Weight : Seven pounds. Eight ounces.

Length : Eighteen inches long.

This child was born in Iowa Methodist Medical Center in Des Miones in Iowa.

Signed by both mother and father.

His mouth opened slightly, and he looked the fifteen year old in his eyes, seeing his own reflecting back at him. Aiden looked just like him, Elijah was a mix of his ex-wife and himself, although he wasn't sure who the two girls were. Sure, they had darker skin, just like him, but they looked like the woman who once had him down the isle and in the delivery room.

"I-it's you." 

"Hello, daddy." He mocked, before turning serious again, not saying a word.

"Y-you guys grew."

"Yeah, that's what happens when you haven't seen people for twelve years." Elijah spat. "Or, let me correct myself, when you haven't seen people ever before in your life. Daddy, meet your twin daughters."

Colby's jaw dropped, heart froze and blood drained. C-could she have been pregnant? No, no she couldn't have. Could she?

"I-i'm sorry." He whispered, looking down. Aiden snorted, meeting his fathers gaze.

"Sorry? You're sorry? Sorry doesn't bring back the last twelve years of our lives, and sorry does not bring a father figure to the girls' lives! One that they've never had! And why did they never have a father figure? Oh, that's right, you bailed on us! Packed your two sons, pregnant wife up, sent us on a plane and hoped we'd disappear and never see you again! Well, guess what, daddy, life doesn't work like that. Consequences happen, and welcome to payback! Although, coming here was probably a waste of our time." Aiden stormed out of the room. Talia followed suit.

"The people who we need the most always leave us. You taught us that." Elijah softly and sadly said to Colby, speaking so quietly that it scared Colby more than his eldest son's outburst. Colby's eyes turned to the other girl as she picked something out of her bag, dropped it, and Elijah kicked it over to Colby.

"What's this?"

"The last twelve years of our lives." Elijah said, just as quietly, before taking his sisters' hand and leading her out to the car, leaving Colby standing there, all alone.


"This was a bad idea, i know it." Leighla nervously mumbled to her father over the phone, fiddling with her glasses. She sat in her cozy living room, her fire on, soft music playing and a book open on her lap. It was storming outside, giving off a comfortable feel to her little place.

"Honey, you knew this day was going to come. Ever since he left, you knew the day was coming when they meet again."

"I know, i know. I just wanna know why now. Why not eleven years ago? All twelve? Why did he leave?"

"I don't know baby, i just don't. If i knew i'd tell you. Have they met him yet?"

"I don't know. Phil called me and told me that they're situated at the hotel now. So, they should be back by mid morning. I just hope Aiden didn't do something he'd regret. He can't control his anger."

"He gets that from Ron and Bob, you know."

"I know. I haven't seen them in forever. I forgot all about them."

"Me too. I was looking through the old box of pictures you sent me just after you moved in there. I saw a few of them in there. I'll send you copies next time around."

"Sounds good, papa."

"Anyway, how did you like your gifts?"

"Love them, daddy. Thank you." She fiddled with her new gold Rolex watch and gold and diamond tennis bracelet."

"You're welcome. Just keep raisin' them kids well, ya hear?"

"Loud and clear."

"I wish i got to see them more. I still don't get why you didn't move in with me. I could have provided for you and them. We'd be close."

"I know, but i love the little island. It's cozy, and we have our own little place in the community. I can't exactly get on a plane and leave, they have school."

"I know, i just wish you were on a plane to me, not to there all those years ago."

"Me too. It was Colby's choice though daddy. I didn't have my phone on me that day, so i couldn't call you and get you to come get is, we had to stay. We had no coice. A part of me stayed so Colby knew where we were, and could come back to us if he wanted, but i guess it's too late now."

"I'm sorry baby. I wish i could say something that could make this all better."

"I know. I do too. Me too."


"What's up, bro?" Joe Anoa'i asked as his best friend climbed into the rental car they were going to be sharing, with a scowl on his face, and complete devastation in his eyes. Joe frowned at the fabric book with coloured paged that he was clutching delicately in his hands, resting it against his torso.

"Tell me, what's wrong?"

"I messed up, bro. I really f*cked up."


"Promise me you won't judge?"

"Of course."

"When i was younger, way young, still living in Iowa, i was with somebody. We got married."


"That's not the worst bit. We had kids."


"I was only aware of two of them, but the two we had, i couldn't handle it, trainin', living with them, i couldn't do it."


"I started drinkin' heavily, and started cheating on my wife."

"What! why would you-"

"I didn't want to hurt her any more, and come home saying i loved her after just having slept with another woman. I packed them up, and sent them away, so i couldn't hurt them any more. so they could grow up without pain, but tonight, i found out she was pregnant."

"You have three kids?!"

"Four. The last pregnancy was a twin pregnancy."

"Damn, brother."

"I didn't know about the girls. And i was never there for the boys. I don't know how to love and be completely trusting of somebody, so i slept around. But i abandoned my kids, abandoned my wife, the kids confronted me today."

"And they gave you that?"

"Yeah. God, i don't even know the girls' names. What kind of a f*cking father am i?" Colby rested his head against the headrest, looking up to the ceiling, squeezing his eyes shut, holding the book tightly to him.

"You're not. Your just a man with his name on a few birth certificates."


"What? I'm telling you the truth. You're not a dad. You didn't raise them. You just have your name on a birth certificate, or four, but your not a dad. Not until you can prove you can step up and try to be there for those kids."

"Yeah, i guess you're right."

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