10 years later

407 7 0

Hope's POV

Bold- in French

I am standing in my room pacing my truck Getting really to leave for school tomorrow. 

It will be sad as I am not going to Beauxbaton with my sister's, Fleur and Gabrielle, but I will be going to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

I have chosen to go to Hogwarts because I want to get out of France, see the world beyond Paris.

Oh, where are my manors, I am Hope Lily Delacour. I am the middle child if Stella and Francisco Delacour.

As I finish packing I hear my mother yell up the stairs. " Hope, time to go to sleep, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." I hear her say.

" Yes Mama." I say back. " Mum, are Fleur and Gabrielle coming to see me off tomorrow?" I ask

" Yes, do you think they would miss saying goodbye to you?" She asks with a laugh.

As I wake up I see the sun isn't even up yet. I get up and change into a nice satin skirt and a matching top.

As the sun rises we are all awake and eating breakfast. After we all finish I look at the clock on the wall. 10:30

I wash the dishes and grab my truck. By the time I finally get down the stairs, it is 10 till 11.

We all link arms as apperate to King's Cross station in London UK. I see the barrier between platforms 9 and 10. I run through the wall with my family shortly behind.

As I stop to put my truck on the train two red haired boys walk up to me. " Need help?" One asks.

" Yes please!" I say in my French accent. The boys grab my trunk and put it on the train along with all the others. " Merci!" I say to them.

The two boys look at me like I spoke a different language. Ooh, because I did!

" It means thank you in French." I tell them in my French accent.

They nod. " Do you want to come sit with us and our friend Lee!" One that is slightly taller asks. I nod my head.

" Just give me a minute to say goodbye to my parents and my sisters." I say and walk over to where they all stand. " Bye, I will write at least once a month. I promise." I tell them.

I get on the train and set off to find those two goofy boys from earlier. Finally I come to a compartment that has the two red haired boys in it.

I knock on the door and one of the red heads opens the door. " Ah, Bonjour Madmasele!" He says as he lets me in.

I sit down and look at the three boys In front of me. " Well, are you going to introduce yourself, of continue to speak French terribly?" I ask the boys in my French accent.

One with black hair speaks up. " I'm Lee Jordan. This here is Fred and George Weasley." Said the boy.

I smile. " Nice to meet you all, I'm Hope Delacour." I tell them.

After about three hours, I go change into my robes. On my way to the restroom I see a boy with black hair, green eyes, big round glasses, and a lightning bolt scar.

For some reason I feel like I have met the boy already. I shake the feeling and continue to the restrooms.

As I finish changing I exit the restroom and immediately bump into the kid with black hair.

" I am so sorry. I am so clumsy sometimes!" I tell him as he helps me back to my feet.

He smiles at me. " It's fine. I'm Harry by the way." He says extending his hand for me to shake.

I shake his hand. " I'm Hope." I say returning the kind smile.

" HARRY!" A voice calls from down the corridor. We turn to see a red haired boy with freckles.

As the boy catches up to us he smiles at me. " Hello, I'm Ron Weasley." He say with a kind smile

I smile back. " I'm Hope Delacour."

We all walk until I realize the black haired boy had the same scar as me. Except my scar is on my wrist not my forehead.


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