the forest

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the forest was dark and eerie. after a while our ponies got tired so we walked.I stuck close to kili as the forest gave me the creeps.

we found a fairly dry spot under an old knarly oak.we were going to rest there for awhile when our ponies got really restless."what is it?"I whispered to my pony. clearly he wanted to get away. I turned to kili. all of a sudden we were ambushed by a group of elves. our wepons were on the ground and our hands were held tightly behind our backs."aaarrggh! let go of us!" I yelled. "what do you want?" kili scowled. "your coming with us" one of the elves ordered. he told another to bring the ponies and all our belongings.

into great elven halls we were dragged. the elf that had given the orders went to see the king. after what seemed like forever he returned. "bring them to the king!"ordered the elf.

forced to our knees in front of the elven king. "why are you in my forest?" the king said calmly. we remained silent. " well?" the elven king asked. we didn't utter a word. "SPEAK!" demanded the king." fine if you will not talk now we will get it out of you at a later stage. lock him up but leave the girl here."

elven guards came in and took hold of kili and me. our hands were tied behind our backs and I was forced to my knees again."dont hurt her!"kili shouted as they dragged him away from me. "kili!" I cried "pyess,dont tell them any thing!"kili told me. "keep moving" an elf said and.pushed him forward. "l love you"kili cried out before he dissapeared. "I love you too!" I tried to say but it came out as a whisper. I turned and gave the king a foul look then I curled up in a ball and fell onto my side, crying. crying for kili.

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