Part2 of 1- My second day

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"Payal,payal wake up, came Nanny's sweet voice, your going to be late" I mumbled something incoherently so Nanny couldn't hear wat I was saying.

I suddenly felt a gush of cold air over me,Nanny drew the sheet off of me. "Ah" I screamed " Fine I'm awake I'm awake" and with that I sprung off the bed and bolted in the bathroom to get ready.

5 mins ltr I came wrapped in a towel that was slightly above my knees,with my dripping wet hair cascading down my back. I realised that Nanny had already set out my uniform on the bed I smiled to myself and said"good ol' Nanny ". After I was done getting dressed I went downstairs to have breakfast.

Nanny had prepared funfetti pancakes,with eggs,bacon and cappuccino. " Breakfast surely smells good Nanny " " Why thank you Payal I hope you enjoy it " " I'm sure I will"I said and with that I began to quickly scarf it down. When I was through I said a quick good-bye and rushed outside where Ahmed was waiting for me in the car.

When we arrived at the hospital I said good bye and ran up to daddy's office to see him. When I got there he was just closing the door to his office to leave. "Daddy I screamed and ran over to him and jumped in his arms as he swung me around" "Good morning sweetie, he began how was your night?" "It was ok I guess, I slept like a rock tho" we both burst out laughing at that. "I'm glad, he said, sweetie I'm very sorry that you didn't get a chance to see me yesterday I was really busy with surgeries so I promise I'll try my best to make it up to you and we can hang out maybe later or tomorrow ok?" "Ok that sounds great I told him excitedly and with that he brought me to the nurses station, gave me a quick kiss and then left.

" Hi Payal, how are you feeling tday?" asked a very happy Anjali "Hey, I'm a lot better I guess" "Great because I need ur help, I'm supposed to reorganize those medical files in the cabinet." I was just staring at her as though I've seen the ninth wonder " ummm why should I of all people help you exactly? Why don't you ask your friend Liana or Lenora??" " First of all its Lavanya, secondly I don't know why your catching an attitude,and thirdly I asked for your help because me,you and la are supposed to be partners "replied Anjali in a pretty harsh tone as she rolled her eyes at me. " Well guess what I began that's your job not mine and if you don't like that I'm not helping you then bite it" I said as I rolled my eyes and stormed out of the room. I could feel her gaze piercing my back but I continued walking until I got to the bathroom to cool off.

While I was in a bathroom stall I could here some girls talking; "Did you guys see Payal's hair this morning,?"
"Yh it looked so tacky and she's supposed to be a head doctor's daughter"
"Tsk,tsk,tsk I tell you these supposedly rich,spoilt people they don't take anything seriously"
I subconsciously touched my hair, nothing was wrong with it I just did it in a loose bun becuz my hair was wet. In a fit of rage I stormed out of the stall walked up to the three of them and grabbed the last girl who spoke by the collar of her shirt and made my fist connect with the side of her head. She stumbled back and looked at me in shock" how dare you even think of touching me you little b*tch." And with that she body slammed me right into the door of one of the stalls and I hit my back right on the edge of the toilet. I screamed and doubled over as the pain surged through my back straight to my head. For a second I could hear them laughing but the next minute everything went silent, I'm assuming that I blacked out until I felt a sharp sting on my left cheek then on my right, I began to realize the trouble that I just got my self into they were gonna beat the crap out of me. The girl that I hit she grabbed me by my shirt and yanked me forward and I let out a loud scream as I felt my nose connect with her knee,blood started to gush from it as I continued to groan. The other two girls held me up by my arms and the girl whom I punched she started to use my stomach as a punching bag and she stopped after I started to cough up a whole lot of blood. I fell on the ground after they let me go, when I thought it was finally over each of them took turns kicking me like I was some kind of ball, after five mins of that torture she grabbed me by my shirt and landed a punch right in my left eye I screamed as loud as possible but no one came to my rescue sadly. They all took pictures of me laying on the ground covered in blood,even the floors were stained by it. They left after a few minutes but not without giving me a warning. "Listen and listen closely cuz I'm only gonna say this once whenever you see us walk extremely far from us and just remember this beating ok" she said with a wicked grin as they all laughed and walked out and left me by myself. I think I got a concussion and started to feel super sleepy I tried to get up but I couldn't feel my legs and fell back down then everything went black.

"Payal, Payal I could hear an extremely loud voice calling me I tried to answer but I couldn't Payal if you can hear me please wiggle your toes. I can now recall feeling that my shoes were off I tried to move them but I couldn't. I tried to say something again but my tongue felt too heavy, I tried opening my eyes but it was completely useless, so I just laid there waiting for what would happen next. Two hours later I heard that same voice calling me again " Payal are you ok?" I blinked but only one of my eyes could open properly I saw Anjali and Lavanya staring at me with concerned faces. I tried to lift one of my arms to touch my aching head but I then realised that it had an IV drip in it. I looked down only to realize that I was stripped down to my underwear my other hand instantly flew up to my chest to cover my 'dignity'. I instantly started to blush furiously. I guess Anjali understood my predicament and said"don't worry Payal its just us no guys"she stated with a small smile. I tried to get up but instantly fell back on the pillow I was just too weak to move and my stomach hurt terribly from the punching. My left hand went to touch my nose and I realised it had on a bandage. I let out and irritated and pain filled groan. Lavanya came over to me and threw a shirt on me,Anjali slapped her on the back of her head and said to me" would you like some help? cause you look like you need it" I just merely nodded and let her assist me. I was a very tedious and painful task but we managed. Ten mins ltr Anjali walked over to me and started to interrogate me" what happened to u Payal and no lies cause it was clear that you got beat up" she said in a no nonsense tone." I got beat up by some girls ok....because I heard them saying some mean things abt me and I stepped up to one of them and punched her and that's how I ended up getting beat up" she was staring at me for a while then walked off. Later that evening my dad came, and when he saw the state that I was in he was upset about wat I did.
He gave me a long(15mins) lecture and then said that he would handle the girls himself, and it turns out that I would have to be admitted for a while....what a crazy life.

From a spoilt brat to the perfect wifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें