“Smart girl,” said Steven. “Stay out of business, and politics. It gets very messy.”

Steven exuded an aura of success. He was well dressed, and despite his graying hair, he looked distinguished, with sharp features. I was used to his kind. Sharp, and cunning, the kind of person that makes no excuses. But that also made him predictable; the type of man one could goad into making a mistake provided a large enough carrot was dangled in front of him. I made a note to perhaps capitalize on that later on.

“And messy it gets indeed,” Death agreed. “That’s one thing we share in common. I steer clear of Capitol Hill.”

Death turned to Daniel. “Forgive me if this sounds a bit intrusive, but how are you holding up?”

Part of me was angry that Death was deliberately and glibly stirring up things in my past life. But I was beginning to see what he was up to. He was helping me unravel my own mystery. He was poking holes to see if something came out.

Daniel sighed. “To be honest, I’m not sure what to say. It hasn’t really sunk in. I went to this party to take my mind of the whole thing. Off of Vanessa.”

Daniel turned to me. “My fiance was murdered two nights ago. The police haven’t found any compelling evidence yet. I was with her the night it happened. That makes me a prime suspect, and, barring any extenuating circumstances,” he sighed, “I probably will be for quite some time to come.”

It was heartbreaking seeing Daniel in this light. How I wanted to tell him that I never wanted for this to happen. That I wanted nothing more than the life I left behind, to continue living the life I had with him. Forever. But that wasn’t possible anymore. I was angry and sad at the same time.

“I’m sorry to hear that. This might sound dismissive coming from me, but things have a way of working out.”

Daniel nodded and smiled. “Vanessa used to say that all the time. Thanks for saying it that way.”

Crap. I needed to watch what I said going forward. It wasn’t going to be easy carrying a conversation with Daniel. He knew me inside out.

“Am I late to the party?” A voice chimed in.

I’d recognize that voice anywhere. It was Robert Mayer, CEO of Hunter Robotics, and trusted family friend.

Robert was a heavy set man with sandy hair in his early sixties. Still very spry despite his girth. He was always very casual in his approach. This was a black tie event, but he kept it simple, with a navy argyle sweater vest, and classic gray blazer. He had his pipe with him.

That was dad’s influence. Donovan Hunter didn’t care for formality or frivolous things, so Robert, the ever loyal and staunch right-hand man followed suit.

Dad would always jokingly tease me for being the “supermodel” in the family. “That’s all your mother, hun,” he would say. “You didn’t get the looks from me, I can tell you that.”

I would shake my head and hug him and kiss him on the cheek. “No, I got the brains from you, Dad.”

“Beauty and brains make for a powerful combination Vanessa,” Dad would say.

Well, they do when you’re alive that is. Not sure what good they do when you’re dead.

“Robert,” Steven greeted him warmly. “Thanks for coming.”

“You have some nerve coming here,” said Daniel angrily.

Robert sighed. “This isn’t easy for anyone Daniel. Losing Vanessa has been difficult for Hunter Robotics. The company is in turmoil right now. I am sure you watch the news.”

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