Chapter 2

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We arrived at school (ew) and I walked Brad to reception where he received his timetable. I realised that we have all the same lessons together, this could either be great or horrific.

'We're in the same class!' I said 'guess you can't get rid of me that soon'.

'Maybe that's a good thing' He winked.

I'll give the boy his due, he's smooth.

Behind me I heard the familiar high pitched squeal that could only belong to Ellie.

'Isabelle!' Giggled Ellie 'Who's this?'

Ellie's my friend but if I'm completely 100% honest, she can be a bit whorish at times.

'This is Brad' I smiled 'It's his first day here'

Ellie and I have been friends since we were little, and I could tell when she liked someone. Luckily, she didn't have that look in her eye today. I don know why I felt relieved but I did, and I couldn't help it.

'Hey' said Brad

'Hi' returned Ellie 'Hope you enjoy your first day at school!'


Me and Brad walked down to our next lesson, which was art. Art was my favourite subject. Not that I was any good at it, you just didn't really need to do anything if you weren't good.

'Everyone take your seats' bellowed to the teacher. We got to choose our seats, and brad sat next to me.

'My mates are throwing a party on Friday, you should come' whispered to me, making sure the teacher didn't hear. We'd only known each other for a few hours and he was already inviting me out. Bit keen eh?

'Sure, can Ellie come too?' I asked. What the hell, a little party never hurt anybody. Or maybe it did. Stop judging me.

'Course she can'.

Does this make me cool now I go to parties?

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