"Do you know he was caught up in a fight with Crystal."

"Yeah! I have never seen Crystal so angry before."

"Last I had seen her angry was when Brandon messed with her."

"After that day nobody even dared to go near her. Even though she was wrong, I love the way she has that confidence."

"She is a bitch. You remember Elena told us her story."

Look this is the reality of life. People judge you based on what they heard. Now I don't say I am not judgemental. But I judge based on personal experience with people and not on what I have heard. Even the mention of his name was enough for me to send chills down my spine.

I ignore them and continue surfing through Instagram when Ms. Lily enters. I loved her. She always had something interesting in store for us.

She was about to begin her lecture when someone comes panting inside.

"Sorry Ma'am, I am a new student and I wasn't able to find my class. My name is Asher."

That heavenly shit again. Why is my destiny so fucked up.

He looks around the class to find an empty seat.

Again thanks to my fucked up destiny. Every seat was occupied except the one beside mine.

"So class, today I am here to give you guys an investigatory project. You guys should read a particular novel that you have never read and present your theories about it before the class. You get 2 weeks to do the project. It will be done in pair of two's. Your benchmate is your partner for the project."

Fuck my destiny again. So much of drama in just 5 minutes. It's getting too much to handle. Just when I think I won't be able to handle more I hear his annoying voice,

"Hey Pooh Bear, ready to be my partner."

Argh he winked at the end. That was much more annoying. And that name. Ugh!

"My name is Crystal and not Pooh Bear. Don't you dare call me that again. I really have the most fucked up destiny."

"Sure Pooh Bear."

The next classes luckily had no more drama. I did not meet that heavenly shit again.

For lunch we all met at cafeteria. I see Astrid and Zac coming from a distance. I wave at them. I was already in the line. Zac offered to stand instead of me.

Astrid and I went to our usual table. After few minutes I see Zac coming with our food. We all always had beef burger from our college cafeteria.

Suddenly I heard the same annoying voice again.

"If you guys don't have any problem can I occupy the empty seat over here."

"We have quite a lot of problem. And sorry you couldn't sit with us."

"And I love creating problems. Thank you."

"You are more annoying then a crying baby."

"Yeah and everyone loves babies. Anyways I actually have only you guys as my friend. Everybody else seemed boring."

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