On a Date?

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    Saturday came by quicker than expected. I was sitting on my bed with my back up against the wall and my laptop in my lap when my phone suddenly buzzed. I switched off "silent mode" before unlocking it to find a text from Felix.

    Felix: Where do you want to go today, J?

    I smiled and thought for a moment.

    Me: I'm not sure. I haven't really gotten the chance to check the town out. Any suggestions?

    His response was almost instantaneous.

    Felix: I think I have an idea. You like the beach, right?"

    "Hey." Felix said with a smile as I walked out to his truck.

    "Hello, stranger." I replied. He pulled my door open and held his hand out in an "after you" gesture. "Why, thank you." The front door to the house suddenly opened and Mom peeked her head out.

    "Have fun, Baby!" she called after me with a wave of her hand. My face flushed bright red as I waved back.

    "Thanks, Mom." She smiled again, then leaned against the door frame. Felix got in on his side and started up his truck, lightly laughing.

    "She seems nice." he replied and I nodded, glancing back at her before we pulled away from the house.

    "Yea, she's pretty cool."

    "She seems more excited than you do." I chuckled at his statement.

    "That's only because I don't wanna scare you off with my excitement." He laughed at my reply, then shrugged.

    "Well, lucky for you, I don't scare easy."

    "Well, good, because I can be pretty terrifying, you know." I said, glancing over at him with a smile.

    "Oh, really? Wanna give me a little 'for-instance?'" he asked, very quickly glancing at me before turning his attention back to the road.

    "I'm a big ol' ball of wraaaaath! Fear me, human!!" I called out jokingly. He laughed.

    "Alright, now I'm getting scared!" I laughed as well and readjusted in my seat.

    "Good, you should be."

    The rest of the ride was quiet yet comfortable. We arrived at the beach and I stepped outside into the warm sunshine. It was a nice day. And it was beautiful, the way the light bounced off the waves of the sea.

    "You like it?" Felix asked as if he were worried he had disappointed me or had gotten my hopes up. But I wasn't disappointed. The view was amazing.

    "It's beautiful, Felix." I replied and he let out a deep breath that he seemed to have been holding in for a lifetime. I then playfully smacked his arm, then dove back into the front seat to grab the blanket and the picnic basket. "C'mon! Let's get this date started." He smiled and we walked down to the sand.

    The beach was rather secluded today. There were a few families down the way and a dog running through the water, but that was about it. We were the only ones on this side of the beach but I didn't care. Felix took the opposite side of the blanket and helped me spread it out across the sand, placing a few rocks on each of the corners, then setting the picnic basket in the center. Cliché dates are the best dates, aren't they? I think so...

    After eating, we raced to the waves and began jumping and splashing in the water.

    "Jeez, it's fricken cold!" Felix exclaimed, immediately jumping back out. I laughed and cupped the water in my hands, splashing it up at him. He pulled his arms into his chest and ducked his head down, trying to avoid the water droplets but they hit him anyway, lightly sprinkling his hair like glitter.

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